Map of the Netherrealm

Shujinko’s entry into the vile lands of the Netherrealm is uninterrupted by Damashi.
All of the side missions in this realm are done, but there are still a few fighting challenges left to complete. We will have to return to the Netherrealm at a later stage to access most of them however.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Nightwolf
From the portal, head northeast toward the large gate that was opened earlier after your training with Ashrah. After exiting the gate, cross the nearby bridge then head northwest until you reach a narrow path to your left. Take the path southwest until you reach Nightwolf at A-4. Speak to him to engage in kombat.
Defeat Nightwolf three times. When you successfully defeat him in three rounds, you will receive 300 random koins and a key for koffin AM (unlocks Nightwolf’s Alt Costume).
Now, head east toward the distant green aura. Weave your way through the jagged rocks to find Scorpion standing at the far end. After approaching him, he tells you to leave him unless you have knowledge of Quan Chi’s whereabouts. Shujinko says that he doesn’t know where Quan Chi is located, but he will help Scorpion find him if he trains him. Scorpion refuses, saying that it would only waste time and delay his vengeance against Quan Chi. Shujinko puts forward the argument that if Scorpion trains him, he would gain a valuable ally and their partnership will make locating Quan Chi easier. Scorpion says that his argument has merit, and agrees to teach Shujinko his dark knowledge of kombat.
Training: Scorpion
The fighting styles I will teach you are but a taste of my kombat rage. We will begin with Hapkido basic high attacks.
- Right Cross: 1
- Neck Chop: 2
- Axe Kick: 3
- Snap Kick: 4
Attacking low will keep your opponent off balance. Begin with these Hapkido basic low attacks.
- Back Sweep: 3
- Front Sweep: 4
- Knee Knockdown: 3
- Hop Sweep: 3
Unleash your inner rage! Practice these Hapkido power and pop-up attacks.
- Backside Kick: 4
- Face Strike: 1
- Twisting Palm: 1
- Front Thrust Kick: 4
- Hammer Fist Uppercut: 2
You have learned much, but I have taught you only single attacks. Release your anger as you practice these Hapkido basic combos.
- Flowing Water: 2, 2, 1
- 2, 2, 3
- Inner Power: 2, 2, 4
- Spectre Blast: 3, 1
Excellent! You have mastered my basic combos. I will now challenge you with more advanced Hapkido combos.
- Lethal Legs: 4, 4
- Burning Soul: 2, 3, 4
- Sinking Leaf: 3, 3
- Doombringer: 2, 3, 1
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
Enough! Now for the basic high attacks of the Moi Fah fighting style.
- Stone Hand: 1
- Stone Fingers: 2
- Snap Kick: 3
- Stomach Smasher: 4
Now for Moi Fah basic low attacks.
- Ducking Knife Thrust: 1
- Turning Low Kick: 3
- Horse Shoe: 4
- Pecking Toe: 3
Next, execute these Moi Fah power and pop-up attacks.
- Angry Wind: 1
- Leaping Crescent Kick: 3
- Blackout: 2
- Rising Uppercut: 2
Well done. Now for Moi Fah basic combos.
- 1, 1
- Fingers Of Death: 1, 1, 1
- Sharp As Hell: 1, 1, 1
- 1, 1, 3
Not bad for a mortal! Now try Moi Fah advanced combos.
- Double Tap Kick: 3, 3
- Pain Taps: 3, 3, 3
- Krazy Rush: 1, 1, 4
- 1, 1, 3, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
The Mugai Ryu may be a brutal weapon, but you must train your body to swing high during battle.
- Bloody Tip: 1
- Horizontal Slash: 2
- Fiery Saber: 3
- Gut Slicer: 4
Finally, the Mugai Ryu basic low attacks.
- Ducking Horizontal Slash: 1
- Low Thigh Slash: 3
- Toe Poke: 4
- Ankle Slash: 4
I can sense aggression seething within you! You must harness that aggression as you practice these devastating Mugai Ryu power and pop-up attacks.
- Speed Demon: 3
- Swinging Vengeance: 2
- Hilt Blunt: 1
- Agony’s Edge: 3
- Double Handed Uppercut: 2
Finally, unleash your hatred for your enemies to fuel these Mugai Ryu basic combos.
- Bloodfire: 2, 2
- Bloodpath: 2, 2, 1
- Swift Fire: 2, 2, 4
Next you will master Mugai Ryu advanced combos.
- 1 … 2 … 2, 2, 1
- 1 … 2 … 2, 2, 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
Most impressive! But can you handle style-branching combos? These change from one fighting style to the next during the attack.
- Painless: 2, 2, , 1, 1
Finally, you must complete a style-branching combo that spans through different fighting styles.
- 3, 3,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
This next lesson will teach you my special fighting moves.
- Backflip Kick: , 3
- Backflip Kick: , 3
Well done. Now try this one.
- Hellfire: , 2
- Hellfire: , 2
This next special attack is not as easy.
- Teleport Attack: , 3
- Teleport Attack: , 3
Finally, this special attack will require that you spear your opponent and draw him in for the kill!
- Bloody Spear: , 1
- Bloody Spear: , 1
In battle, you may be required to use any one of my special attacks at any given time. Attack me with all four of them or I will kill you where you stand!
- Teleport Attack: , 3
- Hellfire: , 2
- Backflip Kick: , 3
- Bloody Spear: , 1
- Teleport Attack: , 3
- Hellfire: , 2
- Backflip Kick: , 3
- Bloody Spear: , 1
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
For your final test, you must defeat me in battle. Show me your RAGE!
- Fight and defeat Scorpion in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 200 random koins.
Shujinko emerges from the training lesson not knowing so much hatred was possible. Scorpion tells him that Quan Chi killed both his family and clan, and then deceived him into believing that Sub-Zero was their murderer. He says that this time it is his turn to suffer. Shujinko tells Scorpion that it is a heavy burden he carries, and that he will remain in the Netherrealm until he finds Quan Chi.

Once Scorpion leaves, head north-northwest toward the green aura where you will find Quan Chi. Once you approach him, he questions you on who you are and what you want, and says that you do not look like a Brother of Shadow. Before Shujinko has a chance to speak, Scorpion interrupts and says that he was the one who sent you, and that it is time for the sorcerer to suffer. This leads to a fight in which you must exact revenge on Quan Chi. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 500 random koins.
After the battle Quan Chi runs off, leaving Scorpion chasing after him. We then cut to Moloch and Drahmin nearby who are overhearing the battle. Drahmin tells Moloch to follow him, as they will feast upon the loser.
Once regaining control of Shujinko, make your way south toward the green aura. As you approach the gateway Damashi will appear, telling you that he can sense your acquisition of evil from this realm, and that you are free to leave. Shujinko thanks Damashi and says he does not wish to stay a moment longer.

Continue south until you reach the portal at C-8. Enter the portal to return to the Nexus. Upon your return to the Nexus you will be greeted by the Thunder God Raiden, who is in need of assistance. He tells you that Shang Tsung has allied with another sorcerer, Quan Chi who has escaped from the Netherrealm. He possesses an amulet created by the Elder Gods that is connected to the power of the Kamidogu. Raiden says that although Earthrealm’s chosen warrior Liu Kang has already been defeated by the sorcerers, he is gathering Earthrealm’s greatest heroes together to launch an assault on Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. Shujinko then says that he will assist in any way possible, and that he will meet Raiden in Outworld.
Fulfil your promise to the Thunder God and enter the purple portal to return to Outworld.