- Netherrealm Map
- Side Mission: Tell three guards about the gathering
- Side Mission: Find a sorcerer to remove the curse from the sword
- Side Mission: Find and punch the oni who stole the spellbook and return it to its owner
- Side Mission: Find a Brotherhood of Shadow member’s lost wristblades
- Side Mission: Find Sareena for the Brotherhood of Shadow
- Fighting Challenge: Shang Tsung
- Side Mission: Find Quan Chi’s amulet for Shinnok
- Training: Ashrah
- Side Mission: Locate three oni teeth for Jarek
- Side Mission: Find the oni who stole the Bear Totem
- Side Mission: Find a shield for an oni and return it to him
- Fighting Challenge: Noob Saibot
- Fighting Challenge: Havik
- Side Mission: Find Drahmin for Moloch
- Fighting Challenge: Kenshi
- Training: Ermac
Netherrealm Map

Shujinko emerges from the portal on a platform. Damashi appears for a short while, and tells Shujinko that only evil resides in the Netherrealm.
His training with the Lin Kuei has left a small stain of corruption on his soul, allowing him access to this realm. Although this will not be pleasant, Shujinko must continue if he is to acquire the Netherrealm Kamidogu.
Side Mission

Tell three guards about the gathering
After Damashi has disappeared, head down the ramp to the east and enter the building in front of you. Inside you will find a guard who demands that you tell three others about the gathering.
Leave this building. You’ll find one guard to your left as you exit. Speak with him to let him know of the gathering. After he enters the building, face northeast and you will see two more guards. One will be stationary, the other pacing back and forth. Speak to both to inform them. After all three guards have been notified, enter the building and speak with the original guard. He will reward you with 600 koins.
Side Mission

Find a sorcerer to remove the curse from the sword
From the previous side mission, head west toward A-8. Between 8am and 8pm you will see a man walking back and forth in a dressed in a red robe. After speaking with him, he reveals he is carrying a cursed sword and asks that you take it to a sorcerer to remove the curse.
Travel north to A-6 and enter the building. Inside you will find a sorcerer who will remove the curse from the sword you carry. Return the Uncursed Sword to the robed man who will give you 500 koins.
Side Mission

Find and punch the oni who stole the spellbook and return it to its owner
Head north a short distance to A-7 where you will find two robed men and a woman. Speak to the man without a hood. He reveals that an oni has stolen his spellbook, and that he wants it back.
Head to C-6 where you will find an oni standing in between two koins. The oni claims that the spellbook is its property and runs off. Chase down the oni, punch it and take the book. The man rewards you with 500 koins for returning his Ancient Spellbook.
Side Mission

Find a Brotherhood of Shadow member’s lost wristblades
Travel east to C-7 where you will find a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow wandering about. You will see him around this area from about 10am till 7pm. He asks you to find his lost wristblades for him.
Head northwest to A-5. You will find the wristblades close to the building near the three guards standing over a corpse. Return them to the Brotherhood of Shadow member for a reward of 400 koins.
Side Mission

Find Sareena for the Brotherhood of Shadow
Head northwest to a large building in B-5. The front door will be guarded by six members of the Brotherhood of Shadow. Enter the front door and speak with the member directly in front of Shujinko. He reveals that a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow, Sareena, has been missing for some time. They fear that she has betrayed them and is aiding an Earthrealm warrior. He asks you to find her.
Sareena lies in the far corner to the southeast. Travel to D-8 and speak with her. She tells you that she does not wish to report back to the Brotherhood of Shadow. As this will put both her and Shujinko’s life in danger, she gives you 500 koins as compensation.
After your reward, face east and collect the musical note in front of you. This will give you a key to unlock koffin TL (unlocks Golden Desert Music).
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Shang Tsung
Head to the western side of this large building to find Shang Tsung standing in the open in C-8. Speak with him to challenge him to Mortal Kombat.
Defeat Shang Tsung while he is healing and before you bleed to death. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 400 random koins.
Side Mission

Find Quan Chi’s amulet for Shinnok
After defeating Shang Tsung, head north a short distance to C-7 where you will find Shinnok standing between two buildings. He tells you that he was unjustly banished to the Netherrealm a long time ago, and that Quan Chi’s amulet, his means of escape, remains in the city somewhere. He asks you to obtain it for him.
Head northwest to A-5 where you will find the amulet close to a sea of lava. Return the Fake Amulet to Shinnok for a reward of 500 koins.
Travel north from Shinnok’s position to the pillar in D-6. Between 2pm and 12pm you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin GM (unlocks Mileena Puzzle Fighter).
Now, head around the corner to the green aura nearby. Approach Ashrah, who is standing in front of a large gate. She tells Shujinko that by slaying demons with an enchanted sword, she hopes to escape from this realm. Ashrah then continues, saying that Shujinko does not seem to be a native of this realm. He informs her that he is from Earthrealm, and like her, is also an outsider. She then offers to train you in the art of kombat to protect yourself from the dangers of the Netherrealm.
Training: Ashrah
The first techniques you must learn are the Chou Jaio high attacks.
- Wrist Chop: 1
- Nukite: 2
- Snap Kick: 3
- Hopping Crane Kick: 4
Next I will teach you Chou Jaio low attacks.
- Crouching Low Arm Chop: 1
- Ducking Snap Chip: 3
- Walking Steel Leg: 4
- Knee Bruiser: 3
- Off Balance Trip: 3
- Chicken Leg: 4
Daze and confuse demons with these Chou Jaio pop-up attacks.
- Lifting Flat-Foot: 3
- Whirling Spin Kick: 4
- Piercing Wrist: 1
- Soaring Crane: 4
- Vicious Uppercut: 2
Next you will learn Chou Jaio basic combos.
- Twin Eye Poke: 2, 2
- Stone Wrists: 2, 1
- Steel Wrists: 1, 1
Now that you have mastered the basic combos, I will show you Chou Jaio advanced combos.
- Demon Slayer: 2, 2, 1
- Feeling Lucky: 2, 2, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 25 random koins.
Your next lessons will encompass Ba Gua high attacks.
- Ox Tongue Palm Strike: 1
- Hooking Strike: 2
- Spinning Force Palm: 3
- Stepping Side Kick: 4
Now you will learn Ba Gua basic low attacks.
- Dragon Elbow Strike: 1
- Low Jagged Kick: 3
- Low Turning Kick: 4
- Swinging Sweep: 4
Ba Gua also utilizes power and pop-up attacks.
- Horse Kick: 4
- Hammer Palm Strike: 3
- Spear Hand Thrust: 2
- Power Palm: 1
- Heavenly Uppercut: 2
Now, on to Ba Gua basic combos.
- Stomach Pain: 1, 3
- Fancy Hands: 1, 2
- Chin Strikes: 2, 2
- Face Scrape: 2, 2, 3
We will see if you can execute these Ba Gua advanced combos.
- Painful Palms: 1, 2, 2
- Art Of Overkill: 1, 3, 3
- Dancing Hands: 1, 2, 2, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
The last of your high attack training will use the Kriss, a rare bladed weapon. Mine in particular seems to be blessed in some manner.
- Chest Slash: 1
- Right Down The Middle: 2
- Reverse Blade: 3
- Pelvis Kick: 4
The Kriss basic low attacks are quite effective against Netherrealm oni.
- Low Thigh Slash: 1
- Low Quick Stab: 3
- Mid-Section Pain: 4
- Low Slash: 3
I find Kriss power and pop-up attacks to be most effective.
- Eye Poke: 1
- Dancing Kriss: 2
- Neck Thruster: 3
- Target Practice: 3
- Twisting Gut Cut: 4
- Head Slicer: 1
- Quick And Easy: 2
- Rising Uplift: 2
There are basic combos within the Kriss fighting style as well.
- Goddess Blade: 3, 4
- King Thunder: 3, 4, 2
- Killer Bride: 3, 4, 2, 2
- Kriss Kross: 2, 2
And now my favorite: Kriss advanced combos.
- Twin Swipes: 1, 1
- Fast Enough: 1, 1
- Fast Hands: 1, 1, 1
- Extreme Fists: 1, 1, 1, 1
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
You have done well, but your next lesson is more complicated. This combo changes from one fighting style to another.
- Downfall: 2, 2,
- Rusty Blade: 1, 3,
Good! Now try this style-branching combo.
- Killer In White: 2, 2, 1, , 3, 3
- Face Poker: 2, 2,
Finally, show me how you can handle this last style-branching combo.
- Furious Wrath: 2, 2, 1, , 2, 2,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
In the wastes of the Netherrealm, you will need special moves. Let us see how well you learn this one.
- Heavenly Light: , 1
- Heavenly Light: , 1
Well done. This next one will fill an oni’s black heart with dread.
- Lightning Blast: , 1
- Lightning Blast: , 1
Impressive! You are quickly becoming a demon slayer. Let us try another special move.
- Spin Cycle: , 3
- Spin Cycle: , 3
You are learning quickly, but you still have one left to master.
- Nature’s Torpedo: , 4
- Nature’s Torpedo: , 4
You have learned my special attacks. They work well against most demons, but can you execute them against me?
- Heavenly Light: , 1
- Lightning Blast: , 1
- Nature’s Torpedo: , 4
- Spin Cycle: , 3
- Lightning Blast: , 1
- Nature’s Torpedo: , 4
- Spin Cycle: , 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
I have taught you much, Shujinko. But to be sure you understand all that I have taught you, I must test you in battle. FIGHT!
- Fight and defeat Ashrah in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
After your training with Ashrah, she will tell you that a test is in order to assess your newly acquired abilities, and to meet her outside the gate when you are ready. The gate that was previously closed is now open, allowing you to explore the Netherrealm further.
Side Mission

Locate three oni teeth for Jarek
Travel to A-8 where you earlier removed a curse from a sword. Here you will find Jarek standing in between two buildings. He wants to prove himself to the Black Dragon clan by pulling the teeth from the jaws of three oni. He asks you to do his work for him in return for koins.
Head north toward a woman in A-7 and collect the first Oni Tooth from next to the skeleton she is observing. Now travel east-northeast toward D-5. You will find the second Oni Tooth on the other side of a rock archway. Finally, head southwest toward A-4 where you will find the third Oni Tooth. Return all three teeth to Jarek for 600 koins.
Side Mission

Find the oni who stole the Bear Totem
Outside the gate in C-6 you will find Nightwolf. He tells you that a demon has stolen his peoples’ Bear Totem and has brought it to this forsaken place. He asks you to find it for him. He last saw the demon in the wastelands to the east.
Head east and cross the bridge over the lava. Once you cross the bridge you will find the oni who possesses this item. Chase the oni down and punch it to retrieve the Bear Totem. Return it to Nightwolf to receive a reward of 500 koins.
Side Mission

Find a shield for an oni and return it to him
Head directly southeast from Nightwolf to find an oni standing on its own in D-6. It tells you that a great oni was once slain in these wastelands, and that it carried a Bone Shield. It asks you to retrieve the shield, so that it may lead the oni into battle against the sorcerers.
Head east to F-7 where you will find the Bone Shield close to a skeleton. Take it, then return it to the oni for a reward of 400 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Noob Saibot
From the oni, head southeast to E-8 where you will find Noob Saibot. Speak with him to initiate a battle.
Defeat Noob Saibot in dark kombat. During dark kombat the screen will fade between your normal view and complete darkness. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 300 random koins.
Head west a short distance to E-8 where you will find a cave with a video camera that gives you a key for koffin IG (unlocks Mian Chuan Video). Also in this cave between 10pm and 11pm you will find Meat. Speak with him to receive 1000 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Havik
Trek northeast to F-7 where you will find Havik close to some rocks. Speak with him to engage in kombat.
Defeat Havik while he is healing. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 350 random koins.
Side Mission

Find Drahmin for Moloch
To the north in F-3 you will find Moloch. He tells you that he is looking for Drahmin, and has trapped many victims in a cave nearby. He wants Drahmin to join him for the feast, but doesn’t know of his location.
Travel south to D-6 where you will find Drahmin pacing back and forth. You receive 500 koins for notifying Drahmin of Moloch’s intentions.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Kenshi
Leave the gates and head north over two bridges to B-3. You will find Kenshi hidden in amongst some rock formations. Speak to him and defend yourself against his attack.
Defeat Kenshi in two rounds. Only throws will do damage. When you successfully defeat him, you will receive 300 random koins.
Head toward the green aura to find Ashrah and Baraka in a heated argument. The Tarkatan warrior was sent to kill Ashrah because of the amount of demons she has slain. The argument between Ashrah and Baraka escalates and a fight ensues; she must fight off this Tarkatan vermin. You are now presented with a fight in which you need to defeat Baraka in two rounds. When you successfully defeat him, you will receive 400 random koins.
Following the defeat of Baraka, Ashrah asks you to find the demon Ermac. Before we do as she asks, we have a few krypt keys to obtain.
Travel east to D-3, then travel north through the ruins until you reach the rubble at the far end. In amongst the rocks at D-1 between the half pillar and the in tact pillar you will find a gold chest. This chest is only available between 9pm and 4am, and opening it will give you a key for koffin SJ (unlocks Sindel).
From here face southeast and head toward E-2. Here you will find another gold chest near a skeleton containing a key for koffin AB (unlocks Golden Desert Arena).

Trek northwest toward A-1. Close to the rock face you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin OB (unlocks Shang Tsung’s Courtyard Arena).
After opening the chest, head south through a narrow area between a wall and a rock face to A-8. At the very end you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin QP (unlocks Ermac’s Alt Costume).
From this area head toward the green aura in C-4 where you will find Ermac pacing back and forth. He tells you that he was sent by Shao Kahn to slay a demon, but this place drains his powers. He needs a Soul Stone to replenish himself.
Head toward the green aura to the east. Shujinko will find the Soul Stone Ermac was after at E-5. Return to Ermac and notify him of its location. Both Shujinko and Ermac will travel to the location of the stone, where Ermac explains to Shujinko a little about it. He then offers to train you.
Training: Ermac
The fighting styles we will show you are but a taste of our kombat knowledge. We will begin with Hua Chuan basic high attacks.
- Thigh Punch: 1
- Fast Hammer Strike: 2
- Soaring Edge Hand: 3
- Foot Plant: 4
You will now learn low attacks. Begin with these Hua Chuan basic low attacks.
- Razor Hand: 1
- Low Mule Kick: 3
- Creeping Leg: 4
We are the embodiment of strength. We will now teach you Hua Chuan power and pop-up attacks.
- Long Arm Fist: 1
- Hammer Fist Uppercut: 2
You have learned much, but we have taught you only single attacks. You will now learn Hua Chuan basic combos.
- Chop Shop: 2, 2
- Blender Fists: 2, 2, 2
- Face Chop: 1, 3
Excellent! You have mastered our basic combos. Let us see how you fare with more advanced Hua Chuan combos.
- Face Plant: 2, 1
- Chop Em Up: 2, 2, 1
- Blender Fists: 2, 2, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 25 random koins.
Enough! Now for the basic high attacks of the Choy Lee Fut fighting style.
- Tiger Claws: 1
- Dual Rising Ridgehand: 2
- Twin Ox: 3
- Snapping Sidekick: 4
Now for Choy Lee Fut basic low attacks.
- Kneecap Strike: 1
- Choy Lay Foot: 3
- Whirling Demon: 4
- Dragon’s Tail: 4
Next, learn these Choy Lee Fut power and pop-up attacks.
- Twin Fingers: 3
- Sloping Ridgehand: 1
- Deadly Palm: 1
- Ridged Knife Chop: 2
- Grasping Uppercut: 2
Well done. Now for Choy Lee Fut basic combos.
- Nitro Strikes: 1, 1
- Strong Mule: 1, 1
Not bad, mortal. Now try Choy Lee Fut advanced combos.
- Strong Ox: 1, 1, 3
- Grasping Fingers: 1, 1, 2
- Bloody Master: 1, 1, 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
The Axe may be a heavy weapon, but you must train your body to swing high during battle.
- Overhead Slice: 1
- Horizontal Slash: 2
- Stomach Mash: 3
- Quick Fist: 4
We are impressed! Finally, the Axe basic low attacks.
- Power Jab: 1
- Foot Slice: 3
- Ankle Slicer: 4
Finally, we will teach you these devastating Axe power and pop-up attacks.
- Whirling Blade: 1
- Sideways Cut: 1
- Windy Axe: 2
- Slice You In Two: 2
- Unresting Axe: 2
Finally, show us you can handle Axe basic combos.
- Slice And Attack: 1, 3
- Mystic Rush: 1, 3, 4
Next you will master Axe advanced combos.
- Beat Down: 1, 3, 4, 4
- Into The Shadows: 1, 3, 4, 4, 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
Most impressive! But can you handle style-branching combos? These change from one fighting style to the next during the attack.
- Swift Like The Wind: 2, 2,
Now for a different style branching combo.
- Choy Lay Power: 1, 1, 2,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
This next lesson will teach you our telekinetic fighting moves.
- , 3 … 3
- , 3 … 3
Well done. Now try this one.
- Telekinetic Throw: , 2
- Telekinetic Throw: , 2
This next special attack is not as easy.
- Tele-Kinetic Slam: , , 4
- Tele-Kinetic Slam: , , 4
Finally, this special attack will require that you conjure a fireball.
- Hado-Energy: , 1
- Hado-Energy: , 1
In battle, we may be required to use any one of our special attacks at any given time. Attack us with all four of them. We will not make it easy for you.
- , 3 … 3
- Tele-Kinetic Slam: , , 4
- Hado-Energy: , 1
- Telekinetic Throw: , 2
- Tele-Kinetic Slam: , , 4
- Hado-Energy: , 1
- Telekinetic Throw: , 2
- , 3 … 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
For your final test, you must defeat us in battle…FIGHT!
- Fight and defeat Ermac in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
After training with Ermac, he reveals that the demon he is searching for is indeed Ashrah herself. He seeks to defeat Ashrah as she has slain many of Shao Kahn’s Netherrealm allies. Shujinko reveals Ashrah’s location, and Ermac makes haste toward her. Before we follow him, check the eastern side of this structure for a musical note that will give you a key for koffin BP (unlocks Live At Kuatan Music).
Follow the green aura to the temple where Ashrah was waiting for Ermac. Shujinko arrives to find Ashrah and Ermac arguing. This quickly turns into a fight, in which Ermac must defeat Ashrah in two rounds. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 400 random koins.
After the battle, Ashrah and Ermac disappear to continue their fight in another location. After you regain control of Shujinko, walk into the green aura to pick up the Netherrealm Kamidogu.

Head south back toward the village. After you enter the gate, Shujinko will call out to Damashi. Once Damashi appears, he tells Shujinko that he takes precautions to visit this realm as little as possible as it drains him. After Shujinko tells Damashi that he has acquired the Netherrealm Kamidogu, enter the portal in the south.
After returning to the Nexus, head into the aura where Shujinko will place the Netherrealm Kamidogu on the altar. He will be suddenly interrupted by Monster who claims he is the Elder God’s champion. Shujinko is left with no choice but to defeat this fabulist. When you successfully defeat him in three rounds, you will receive 800 random koins.
Now, enter the yellow portal and prepare yourself to enter Chaosrealm.