- Map of Earthrealm
- Fighting Challenge: Kung Lao
- Side Mission: Locate the White Lotus member Kai in Outworld
- Map of the Netherrealm
- Fighting Challenge: Tanya
- Fighting Challenge: Quan Chi
- Side Mission: Go to the Netherrealm and find Ashrah’s lost sword
- Fighting Challenge: Dairou
- Fighting Challenge: Mileena
- Fighting Challenge: Kobra
- Fighting Challenge: Kabal
- Fighting Challenge: Kira
- Training: Kabal
- Map of Chaosrealm
- Side Mission: Find the riddle to this warrior’s identity in the temple ruins and return it to her
- Training: Kira
- Side Mission: Bring the Earthrealm map to the temple ruins and return to Kabal for a reward
- Fighting Challenge: Kabal
- Side Mission: Locate Kobra and defeat him in battle
- Training: Kobra
- Side Mission: Find the woman again who gave you this note and deliver it to her
- Side Mission: Travel to the fountains in Edenia and return with a full bucket of Edenian water
- Side Mission: Tell lies to the leaders of the Yanasi and Yangese tribes to start a war
- Fighting Challenge: Jade
- Fighting Challenge: Li Mei
- Fighting Challenge: Sindel
- Fighting Challenge: Bo’ Rai Cho
- Side Mission: Locate a hidden chest within the maze
- Fighting Challenge: Sonya
- Side Mission: Retrieve the hidden Earthrealm map from the temple ruins and return it to Mokap
- Map of Outworld
- Side Mission: Locate the White Lotus member Kai in Outworld
- Map of Orderrealm
- Fighting Challenge: Raiden
- Fighting Challenge: Li Mei
- Side Mission: Go to Orderrealm and buy parts for the cyborg Sektor
- Map of Edenia
- Fighting Challenge: Raiden
- Fighting Challenge: Scorpion
- Training: Jade
- Side Mission: Retrieve Sindel’s signet ring for Princess Kitana
- Side Mission: Travel to the fountains in Edenia and return with a full bucket of Edenian water
Map of Earthrealm

Now that you have completed the main story of Konquest mode, every area that was previously inaccessible to you can now be approached.
There will be many krypt keys and training lessons available to you as well. Face east and enter the Earthrealm portal.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Kung Lao
Once entering Earthrealm, head southwest toward C-7 where you will find Kung Lao walking back and forth on the northern side of the temple. Upon your approach he questions your identity, then says you are no doubt another assassin sent to exterminate the remnants of his once-vibrant Shaolin order. Shujinko attempts to reply, but is cut short by Kung Lao, who says the Order of Light has suffered enough, and to prepare to meet your doom.
Defeat Kung Lao with a 10 hit combo. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 350 random koins.
Side Mission

Locate the White Lotus member Kai in Outworld
Kung Lao is most impressed by your fighting skills, and says that you fight as if you have been trained by Bo’ Rai Cho himself. He then tells you that all of the monks in this area have been killed by Shao Kahn’s men in his lust for power. Even Wu and Master Shen did not survive. He asks you to find a fellow member of the White Lotus, Kai, who is located in Outworld. His help is needed to restore the Shaolin.
You will need to travel to Outworld in order to complete this mission. The solution for this side mission will be covered later on this page.

After your conversation with Kung Lao, head west-southwest toward the cave in A-8 where you found the Earthrealm Kamidogu many years ago. Inside the cave on the 16th of each month between 12am and 1am you will find a yin-yang that will give you a key for koffin KK (unlocks Shujinko’s Hara-Kiri).
Travel north-northeast toward Bo’ Rai Cho’s house in C-4. Here you will spot a gold chest containing a key for koffin SA (unlocks Raiden’s Bio).
Finally, head east-southeast to the large suspension bridge where you fought Jax earlier. Cross it, then head north to H-4 and enter the large building behind the urn. Inside you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin BI (unlocks Liu Kang’s Bio). On your way out you may wish to train with the deceased champion Liu Kang.
Leave this area and head north to H-3. Enter the portal and when you emerge in the Nexus, enter the Netherrealm portal.
Map of the Netherrealm

The feeling of guilt within Shujinko’s soul allows him to re-enter the wretched plains of the Netherrealm.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Tanya
Head north toward B-5 where you will find the traitor Tanya standing in a corner. Speak with her to challenge her to Mortal Kombat.
Defeat Tanya while she is invisible. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 300 random koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Quan Chi
After defeating Tanya, head northeast to D-1 where you will find Quan Chi standing in amongst some rubble. Speak with him and strike him at the speed of a kobra in battle.
Defeat Quan Chi in 30 seconds. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 300 random koins.
Side Mission

Go to the Netherrealm and find Ashrah’s lost sword
Earlier we spoke with Ashrah in Edenia who told you that she had lost the sword that had made her ascension from the Netherrealm possible. She asked you to return to the Netherrealm and retrieve it for her.
Once defeating the foolish sorcerer, travel south-southeast to F-8 where you will find Ashrah’s sword in between two pinnacles. Collect it, then return the Kriss to Ashrah in Edenia for a reward of 600 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Dairou
Travel northeast to H-6 where you will find the mercenary Dairou who has been hired to kill you. Defend yourself against his pending attack.
Defeat Dairou during an earthquake. During this fight both you and Dairou will lose health whenever the ground tremors. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 300 random koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Mileena
Head southwest from Dairou’s position and cross the bridge. Head north-northeast to the bridge in H-4 where you will find Mileena, who wishes to sharpen her teeth with your bones. Knock them out instead.
Defeat Mileena before you bleed to death. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 350 random koins.
After your previous altercation, cross the bridge and face east. You will notice a small hut-like structure to your right in H-4. Under its roof between 5pm and 4am you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin EE (unlocks Ashrah’s Alt Costume).
After collecting the krypt key, head back over the bridge and travel northwest. Cross the large bridge and prepare to face your next three foes.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Kobra
Approach Kobra on the western side of the platform in F-2 and speak with him to begin your first of three battles.
Defeat Kobra, to awaken Kochal! You cannot block. During this match Kobra will do mammoth amounts of damage. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 400 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Kabal
Travel east a short distance to find Kabal in G-3. Speak with him to begin your second fight.
Defeat Kabal, to awaken Kochal! You cannot block. The match will take place in dark kombat, during which the screen will fade between your normal view and complete darkness. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 400 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Kira
Travel to the eastern corner from the fallen Black Dragon to find Kira in G-2. Speak with her to challenge her to Mortal Kombat.
Defeat Kira, to awaken Kochal! You cannot block. During this match you will be bleeding to death. The match will also take place in dark kombat. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 400 koins.
After defeating all three kombatants, a red portal will appear in the centre of the platform. Enter it to be transported to the portal you used to enter this realm. On the platform in front of you there will be a gold chest containing 1000 koins.
Before you leave, you may wish to complete a training lesson with Kabal. You can find him to the northeast in G-5.
Training: Kabal
So you want to join the ranks of the new Black Dragon? Your trials will be difficult. I will not accept weakness. Training will begin with Sun Bin basic high attacks.
- Small Frame Strike: 1
- Digging Fingers: 2
- Large Frame Kick: 3
- Thunderous Chest Breaker: 4
- Twisting Hammer Fist: 1
- Chest Opener: 2
- Aged Heels: 3
- Awkward Uppercut: 2
Now for the basic high attacks of the Goju Ryu fighting style.
- Shotei: 1
- Wind Cutter: 2
- Foot Smasher: 4
- Defensive Sidekick: 3
- Long Arm Palm: 1
- Head Crusher: 2
- Chudan-Mae-Geri: 3
- Monkey Uppercut: 2
Now for Goju Ryu basic low attacks.
- Elbow To The Knee: 1
- Spinning Trip: 3
- Scratching Heels: 4
- Ankle Tapper: 3
Next, learn these Goju Ryu power and pop-up attacks!
- Long Arm Palm: 1
- 2
- 2
- 4
Well done. Now for Goju Ryu basic combos.
- 1, 1
- 1, 2
- 1, 4
- 2, 4
Not bad, recruit! Now try Goju Ryu advanced combos.
- 1, 2 … 1, 2
- 2 … 2 … 1, 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
The Hookswords are heavy, so you must strengthen both arms in order to swing them.
- Chest Strike: 1
- Power Hook: 2
- Spinning Sidekick: 3
- Double Axe Kick: 4
- Twisting Hook: 1
- Shoulder Rip: 1
- Upward Cross Strike: 4
- Twin Overhead Strike: 2
Excellent! Finally, the Hookswords basic low attacks. You will need a strong back for these.
- Low Reverse Blow: 1
- One Hook Sweep: 2
- Scissors Swipe: 3
- Shin Strike: 4
- Chin And Neck Slice: 2
- Leg Hooks: 3
- Leg Tripper: 3
Finally, you will learn Hookswords power and pop-up attacks!
- Shoulder Rip: 1
- 2
Finally, show me you can handle Hookswords basic combos.
- 1, 1
- 1, 1, 1
- 1, 1, 2
- 1, 1, 4
- 2, 1
- 2, 1, 3
- 2, 1, 4
Next you will master Hookswords advanced combos. This will test your arm strength!
- 2, 1, 4 … 1
- 2, 1, 4 … 2, 1, 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
Most impressive! Show me that you can handle style-branching combos.
- 1, 1, 2,
Now for a different style-branching combo.
- 1, 1,
Finally, you must complete a style-branching combo that spans through Black Dragon fighting styles.
- 1, 1, 4,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
Now you will learn Black Dragon trademark fighting moves. This next lesson will teach you special attacks.
- Raging Flash: , 4
- Raging Flash: , 4
Well done. Now try this one.
- Plasma Blast: , 1
- Plasma Blast: , 1
Finally, show me you can handle this special attack.
- Nomad’s Touch: , 2
- Nomad’s Touch: , 2
A Black Dragon can perform any of the previous special attacks on command. Attack me with all of them…if you can!
- Nomad’s Touch: , 2
- Plasma Blast: , 1
- Raging Flash: , 4
- Plasma Blast: , 1
- Nomad’s Touch: , 2
- Raging Flash: , 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
For your final test, you must defeat me in battle. I will be watching for any sign of weakness!
- Fight and defeat Kabal in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
When you are done in this realm, enter the portal to return to the Nexus, then enter the Chaosrealm portal.
Map of Chaosrealm

There are still many side missions and fighting challenges to complete in Chaosrealm. Upon your entry into this realm, step onto the red transporter and head to the cemetery nearby.
Side Mission

Find the riddle to this warrior’s identity in the temple ruins and return it to her
Earlier we spoke with Kira in the cemetery at A-3. She told you that she had lost her memory, and that there is a scroll in the temple ruins that may hold the key to her identity.
Head to the ruins in G-6 where you will find a Strange Scroll next to a wall. Collect it, then return to Kira’s location. Cancel the training prompt, then hand her the scroll to receive 400 koins.
If you wish to train with Kira, speak with her again and accept her offer. If not, continue on.
Training: Kira
I don’t know if I can teach you much. You’re too old. But if you insist, we can start with the Xing Yi fighting style, which was taught to me when I was young. We will begin with the basic high attacks.
- Straight Punch: 1
- Chop Strike: 2
- Front Snap Kick: 3
- Rising Knee: 4
I will now teach you low attacks. Begin with these Xing Yi basic low attacks.
- Low Palm Strike: 1
- Low Foot Strike: 3
- Toe Strike: 4
Now you will learn some of the more satisfying attacks. I will teach you Xing Yi power and pop-up attacks.
- Power Fist: 1
- Steel Fingers: 2
- Hopping Back Kick: 4
- Lifting High Kick: 4
- Eagle Strike: 2
You have learned much, but I have taught you only single attacks. You will now practice Xing Yi basic combos.
- Rebel Chick: 2, 1
- Casualty: 4, 3
- Twilight: 1, 1, 2
Excellent! You have mastered my basic combos. Let us see how you fare with more advanced Xing Yi combos.
- Firey Hands: 1, 1, 4
- 1, 1, 4, 2 … 1, 1, 4, 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 25 random koins.
Now for the basic high attacks of the Kenpo fighting style. I learned this style during my time in Asia.
- Throat Chop: 1
- Shoulder Chop: 2
- Reverse Side Kick: 3
- Axe Kick: 4
Now for Kenpo basic low attacks.
- Low Knife Strike: 1
- Low Kick: 3
- Creeping Kick: 4
- Spinning Trip: 3
Next, practice these Kenpo power and pop-up attacks.
- Spinning Elbow: 1
- Double Handed Push: 2
- Knee: 3
- Scorpion’s Tail: 4
- Upwards Uppercut: 2
- Leaping Power Punch: 1
- Uppercut: 2
Well done. For an old guy, you seem to learn quickly! Now for Kenpo basic combos.
- 1, 1, 4
- Red Beauty: 1, 1, 2
- Bad Girl: 1, 3, 3
Not bad, Shujinko. There is hope for you yet! Now try Kenpo advanced combos.
- 1, 1, 2 … 1, 1, 2
- 1, 1, 2 … 1, 1, 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
The Dragon Teeth are effective weapons. I will teach you to slit your opponent’s throat and stab his heart.
- Forward Chest Slashes: 1
- Rising Dragon Teeth: 2
- Frontal Stab: 3
- Front Sidekick: 4
I am impressed, old man! Finally, the Dragon Teeth basic low attacks.
- Reverse Low Strike: 1
- Low Tippy Kick: 3
- Low Spin Kick: 4
- Spinning Dragon Kick: 4
Finally, I will teach you these devastating Dragon Teeth power and pop-up attacks.
- Downward Circling Sword: 1
- Upward Circling Teeth: 2
- Dragon Push: 3
- Tippy Toe Stab: 3
- Uppercut: 2
Finally, show me you can handle Dragon Teeth basic combos.
- Dragon Tooth: 1, 3
- Sharp Girl: 1, 3
Next you will practice Dragon Teeth advanced combos.
- 2 … 4, 4, 4
- 2 … 2 … 1, 3
- 2 … 2 … 1, 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
You can definitely handle those last moves, but can you handle style-branching combos? These change from one fighting style to the next during the attack.
- Rebel Queen: 1, 1, 4,
Now for a different style-branching combo.
- 1, 1, , 2
Finally, you must complete another style-branching combo that spans the fighting styles I have shown you. Think you can handle it, old man?
- 1, 1, 4, … 1, 1,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
This next lesson will teach you my special fighting moves. I saaaaid…. THIS… NEXT… LESSON… Ah, never mind. Just do as I do, ya deaf old man.
- Black Dragon Ball: , 4
- Black Dragon Ball: , 4
Well done! Now try this one.
- Kiss Of Death: , 1
- Kiss Of Death: , 1
This next special attack is not as easy.
- Nightshade: , 3
- Nightshade: , 3
In battle, you may be required to use any one of these special attacks at any given time. Attack me with all three of them. Do not hold back — I won’t.
- Kiss Of Death: , 1
- Nightshade: , 3
- Black Dragon Ball: , 4
- Kiss Of Death: , 1
- Nightshade: , 3
- Black Dragon Ball: , 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
For your final test, you must defeat me in battle… FIGHT! I SAID, FIGHT!! Why do I bother?
- Fight and defeat Kira in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
Side Mission

Bring the Earthrealm map to the temple ruins and return to Kabal for a reward
Leave the cemetery using the western entrance and head northeast toward B-1. Here you will find Kabal, who told you earlier that he stole a map from a dead traveller that shows a path to Earthrealm. He asked you to hide it for him in the temple ruins.
On your previous side mission you should have received an on-screen prompt telling you that you had hidden the map in the temple ruins. Because you have already completed this mission, speak to Kabal who says that he has no further need of your assistance. He gives you 400 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Kabal
After completing the task for Kabal, speak with him again. This time he wishes to fight you and prove that he is the greatest Black Dragon.
Defeat Kabal three times. You cannot block. When you successfully defeat him in three rounds, you will receive 500 random koins and a key for koffin DA (unlocks Kabal’s Alt Costume).
Side Mission

Locate Kobra and defeat him in battle
Earlier in E-3 we spoke with Dairou, who told you that he had been sent to this realm to assassinate Kobra. He would not be able to launch a surprise attack because Kobra knows him by face, so he offered you half of his payment if you assassinated Kobra for him.
Travel southeast and mount the blue transporter. Once teleported, head east where you will find Kobra against a wall in H-7. Cancel the training prompt to initiate a battle. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 300 random koins. Return to Dairou with news of Kobra’s defeat to be given a further 400 koins.
If you wish to complete the optional training session with Kobra, return to H-7 and speak with him to initiate the lesson.
Training: Kobra
All I want is to prove my kombat skills. Looks like you’ll be my punching bag! Let’s see how you fare against my Shorin Ryu high attacks!
- Face Punch: 1
- Power Chest Strike: 2
- Front Thrust Kick: 3
- Rising Axe Kick: 4
My Shorin Ryu low attacks will rattle your skull!
- Lower Punch Attack: 1
- Low Kick: 4
- Creeping Low Attack: 3
- Shin Thrust: 3
Do not underestimate me because I’m younger than you! These Shorin Ryu power and pop-up attacks will prove to you I can spar with the best of them!!
- Side Elbow Strike: 1
- Knife Hammer Strike: 2
- Hammer Fist Uppercut: 2
- Cutting Kick: 3
- Flip Kick: 4
- 4, 4
I’m impressed that you have survived this long, but you won’t survive my Shorin Ryu basic combos.
- Bone Breaker: 1, 2
- Renegade: 2, 1, 2
- The Foot Sword: 3, 3
I didn’t think you could endure my last assault! I doubt you’ll endure my Shorin Ryu advanced combos!
- I’m The Best: 1, 1, 4
- 1, 1, 3, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 25 random koins.
Impressive! But you won’t survive my Kickboxing high attacks!
- Iron Fist: 1
- Face Jab: 2
- Head Kick: 3
- Heel Kick: 4
I don’t understand how you could have survived that last round! But you won’t stand a chance against these Kickboxing low attacks!
- Ducking Quick Jab: 1
- Thigh Kick: 3
- Grounded Kick: 3
- Hooking Sweep: 4
- Shin Stomp: 4
Taste the wrath of my Kickboxing power and pop-up attacks.
- Chin Lifter: 2
- Dual Fist Uppercut: 2
My Kickboxing basic combos will destroy you!
- Powerman: 1, 3
- Left Right Hook: 1, 2
- Killer Legs: 1, 4
Defend yourself against my Kickboxing advanced combos!
- Lightning Fast: 2, 2, 3
- 2, 2, 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
No one can defend against my Kali Sticks high attacks!
- Quick Stick: 1
- Face Smack: 2
- Side Kick: 4
I must admit, you’re better than the last guy I fought! But my Kali Sticks low attacks will end this fight right here and now!
- Leg Hit: 1
- Tapping Stick: 3
- Scissor Hit: 4
- Low Thigh Hit: 3
- Spinning Trip Kick: 4
You think you’re stronger than me? You haven’t seen anything as powerful as my Kali Sticks power and pop-up attack!
- Crushing Blow: 1
- Over Head Bash: 1
- Dual Face Smack: 2
- Ducking Upward Poke: 2
- Triple Cross Attacks: 3
- Dual Over Head Bash: 3
Feel the wrath of my Kali Sticks combos!
- Blurry Sticks: 1, 1
- Hard Hitting: 1, 1, 2
- 1, 1, 3
Dodge my Kali Sticks advanced combos…if you can!
- 1, 1, 2, 4, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
Now you will experience the fury of my branching combos!
- Tricky Trip: 1, 1, 3,
I’m not finished with you yet!
- Strong Uppercut: 2,
- Face Smacker: 1, 3,
Let’s see if you can handle this intense style-branching combo!
- Krazy 8’s: 1, 2, 2,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
These special moves will tear you apart!
- Windmill Kick: , 4
- Windmill Kick: , 4
Had enough? You haven’t seen anything yet!
- Burning Fist: , 2
- Burning Fist: , 2
Have I broken your elderly body? Now I will crush it!
- Crouching Chi-Blast: , 1
- Crouching Chi-Blast: , 1
Prepare to be defeated!
- Chi-Blast: , 1
- Chi-Blast: , 1
I’ve given you a taste of my special attacks, but how will you defend against them all?
- Windmill Kick: , 4
- Crouching Chi-Blast: , 1
- Chi-Blast: , 1
- Burning Fist: , 2
- Windmill Kick: , 4
- Crouching Chi-Blast: , 1
- Chi-Blast: , 1
- Burning Fist: , 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
I’ve held back because you are so old. I won’t anymore!
- Fight and defeat Kobra in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
Travel southeast to the building you earlier fought Baraka in G-4. Outside its front doors on Sundays you will find a yin-yang that will give you a key for koffin PS (unlocks Shujinko’s Kick).
Head south and mount the blue transporter in H-6. After you have been teleported, travel east to the wall in G-8 where you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin MM (unlocks Shujinko’s Alt Bio).
Travel northwest to F-7 where you will find another gold chest. Open it to collect a key for koffin QK (unlocks Liu Kang Storyboard).
If you wish to train with Kobra, approach him in H-7.
Side Mission

Find the woman again who gave you this note and deliver it to her
You will find a woman skipping around nearby in G-6/G-7/F-7. After speaking with her, she tells you that she has written a letter to herself and asks that you deliver it to her once she has left this spot. She then disappears in a puff of smoke.
This woman seems the have the ability to travel on air, meaning in theory she could be found in many locations. The easiest solution to this side mission is to travel northwest to the green transporter and use it to teleport to D-6. Meditate for a few hours and the woman should emerge. She will award you 400 koins for delivering her letter.
Side Mission

Travel to the fountains in Edenia and return with a full bucket of Edenian water
Walking around G-7/G-8/H-7 you will find a man dressed in a brown robe with a black owl on his shoulder and a bamboo box on his back. He tells you that water is sacred in the realm of Chaos, and that if you could fill his bucket in the fountain in the centre of Edenia he would greatly appreciate it.
You will need to travel to Edenia in order to complete this mission. The solution for this side mission will be covered later on this page.
Side Mission

Tell lies to the leaders of the Yanasi and Yangese tribes to start a war
Head north to F-4/F-5 where you will find a hooded man carrying a large halberd. He tells you that the Yinasi and Yangese tribes are normally at war, but they have come to a truce. He asks you to go to the villages in the east and west and tell lies about each tribe to renew their aggression.
Use the green transporter in the southwest to teleport yourself. Travel south to D-6/D-7/D-8 where you will find a man carrying a sword and wearing wristblades. Shujinko lies by saying that the Yinasi have accused them of aligning with the Seidan guard. After infuriating the Yangese tribe, teleport yourself using the green transporter then travel south to the blue transporter. Speak with the man carrying a sword in G-5/H-5/H-6. Shujinko tells this guard the same lie, only vice-versa. Return to the hooded man who will praise you for your restoring the chaos.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Jade
To the south in E-5/F-5/F-6 you will find Jade walking around. Speak with the Edenian beauty to initiate a battle.
Defeat Jade in 30 seconds. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 300 random koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Li Mei
Head to E-6 and mount the green transporter. To the south in D-6/D-7 you will find Li Mei walking about in the Yangese tribal village. Speak with her and teach her a lesson.
Defeat Li Mei without being able to block. When you successfully defeat her in two rounds, you will receive 350 random koins.
To the south in E-7 you will find a building being guarded by a man holding a steel pole. Inside you will find a musical note that gives you a key for koffin HJ (unlocks Tiles of Death and Whimsy Music).
Exit the building, face west and enter the building in front of you in D-7. Inside between 12am and 8am you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin MO (unlocks Dragon King’s Temple arena).
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Sindel
To the south in D-8 you will find Sindel pacing outside a building. Assassinate the Queen of Edenia.
Defeat Sindel three times. When you successfully defeat her in three rounds, you will receive 300 random koins.
Following the defeat of Sindel, enter the building she was in front of in D-8. Inside you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin QI (unlocks Dairou’s Alt Costume).
After exiting the building, travel west a short distance and mount the violet transporter. You will be teleported to a labyrinth nearby.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Bo’ Rai Cho
Walk off the transporter to find Bo’ Rai Cho walking in C-7. Speak with your trainer to receive a surprise test from your master.
Defeat Bo’ Rai Cho during an earthquake. During this fight both you and Bo’ Rai Cho will lose health whenever the ground tremors. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 300 random koins.
Travel west until you reach an intersection in B-7. Face south, then travel toward B-8 to find Noob Saibot. If you wish to train with him and Smoke, speak with him and accept his offer to train.
Side Mission

Locate a hidden chest within the maze
Nearby you will find a hooded man walking in B-7/B-8, who tells you that he has heard of a chest of valuables located somewhere in the labyrinth. If you find it, he says you can keep its contents.
Travel north to the maze in A-4 where you will find a chest containing 400 koins.
Head to the northwestern corner of this piece of land in A-4. Between 3am and 8am you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin JQ (unlocks Nexus Arena).
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Sonya
Return to the labyrinth in D-7 using the violet transporter. Follow the pathway directly west until you reach the end. Resist Sonya’s arrest by challenging her to Mortal Kombat.
Defeat Sonya with a 7 hit combo. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 300 random koins.
Side Mission

Retrieve the hidden Earthrealm map from the temple ruins and return it to Mokap
Leave the labyrinth and head toward the blue transporter in H-6 where you will find Mokap. He tells you that he doesn’t know how he got here and that he needs to find his way back to Earthrealm.
Use the blue transporter to be teleported back to the ruins. Walk off the transporter to receive a prompt stating that you have retrieved the map you hid earlier for Kabal. Return the map to Mokap for a reward of 400 koins.
After returning the Earthrealm Map to Mokap and receiving your reward, you may leave Chaosrealm. Return to the Nexus using the portal in D-3, then enter the purple portal to enter Outworld.
Map of Outworld

After exiting the portal, head east toward the city of Lei Chen. Once entering the gates, head northeast to G-1 where you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin KG (unlocks Raiden’s Alt Bio).
Now, travel southwest a large distance to C-8 where you earlier spoke with Rain. On the other side of the rock face you will find a path leading into a cave. Inside the cave you will find a yin-yang that will give you a key for koffin LF (unlocks Shujinko’s Fatality 1).
If you would like to train with Raiden, travel northeast toward F-2. You will find the reborn thunder god standing close to the city of Lei Chen.
Side Mission

Locate the White Lotus member Kai in Outworld
Earlier in Earthrealm Kung Lao told you that all of the monks from the Order of Light had been killed by Shao Kahn’s men in his lust for power. He asked you to find Kai, a fellow member of the White Lotus for him.
Head west toward the ice caves in A-3. Kai tells you that he has just begun to wander Outworld and that he will return to Earthrealm when his travels are done. He then gives you Raiden’s Staff, and asks that you take it to Kung Lao to aid him in rebuilding the White Lotus until he returns. Travel to Earthrealm and give both Raiden’s Staff and the news from Kai to Kung Lao at C-7 to receive 600 koins.
Once you have completed this side mission, return to the Nexus then enter the Orderrealm portal.
Map of Orderrealm

Shujinko’s re-entry into Orderrealm is uncomfortable, but you must continue if you are to retrieve all krypt keys and complete all fighting challenges, side missions and training lessons.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Raiden
After emerging from the portal in Orderrealm, take the northern exit from this structure and continue north to E-3 where you will find the thunder god Raiden.
Defeat Raiden while he does double damage. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 350 random koins and a key for koffin MA (unlocks Raiden).
Head west to the doors of the building nearby in D-4 to find a yin-yang that will give you a key for koffin SQ (unlocks Shujinko’s Fatality 2).
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Li Mei
You will find Li Mei walking around Blue Town in A-3/A-4/A-5/B-2/B-3/B-4. She will circle around the paths and grassy areas. Speak with her and teach her another lesson in kombat.
Defeat Li Mei in 30 seconds. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 300 random koins and a key for koffin TE (unlocks Li Mei’s Alt Costume).
You may wish to train with Dairou in A-3 before continuing. In any event, follow the outer ring from Dairou north, until you reach D-1 in Red Town. Collect the yin-yang to receive a key for koffin OF (unlocks Shujinko’s Flip Scissor Kick).
To the southeast in G-5 you will find a gold chest in the park. Open it to receive a key for koffin SE (unlocks Liu Kang’s Alt Bio).
Leave the park, then head west to the large building in F-5. Inside between 6am and 12pm you will find a yin-yang that will give you a key to koffin IN (unlocks Shujinko’s Icy Breeze).
If you would like to train with the leader of the Resistance, Darrius, travel southwest to C-8 in Green Town and speak with him.
Side Mission

Go to Orderrealm and buy parts for the cyborg Sektor
Earlier we spoke to the cyborg ninja Sektor in Edenia. He told you that he was damaged and in need of repairs. He handed you a list of parts to retrieve from Orderrealm and return them to him once you had purchased them.
Walking around E-5/F-4/F-5 will be a man wearing a white robe with purple and black sleeves. Speak with him to find that he has the parts you are after. Return to the Nexus and enter the Edenian portal. Give the Cyborg Parts to Sektor in G-3/H-3 for a reward of 600 koins.
It is now time to visit Edenia for the final time. Return to the Nexus and step into the Edenian portal.
Map of Edenia

Your previous side mission brought you to H-3 in Edenia. Travel north over the bridge to H-1 where you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin DB (unlocks Shujinko’s Bio).
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Raiden
Head west until you are near the eastern entrance of the palace grounds, then head southwest to F-3 where you will find Raiden circling close to a sundial. He blames you for the return of the Dragon King. Defend yourself against his judgement in kombat.
Defeat Raiden while you only inflict 10% damage. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 400 random koins and a key for koffin EM (unlocks Raiden’s Alt Costume).
Return to the palace entrance, then face west and enter the large door guarded by two men straight ahead of you in F-1. Inside on Tuesdays you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin JO (unlocks Shujinko’s Alt Costume).
If you wish to train with Tanya, travel east a short distance to E-1. You will find her outside the door of the room Sindel was previously held captive in.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Scorpion
Leave the palace grounds using the western entrance, then head northwest. Cross the bridge close to the waterfall, then continue west until you notice a break in the mountainside. Follow the small pathway around the rocks to find the Shirai-Ryu warrior Scorpion in A-1. Speak with him to challenge him to kombat.
Defeat Scorpion despite him doing 300% damage and healing. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 1200 koins and a key for koffin ID (unlocks Shujinko’s Spear).
Return to the palace in the east and take the southern exit. On the other side of the portal in E-5 you will find a yin-yang which will give you a key for koffin CG (unlocks Shujinko’s Dive).

Travel east to the bridge near a waterfall in H-5. Near a cluster of four small trees between 12pm and 12:30pm on the first of each month you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin ER (unlocks Liu Kang’s Alt Costume).
Head southwest toward the rear of the temple where you earlier fought Liu Kang. You will find yin-yang in the far corner in G-6. Collecting it will give you a key for koffin KN (unlocks Shujinko’s Power Fist).
Circle around to the front of the temple, then follow the side of the mountain, travelling in a southerly direction toward Jade’s encampment in G-8. Behind the large tent on Fridays between 12am and 1am you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin OT (unlocks Liu Kang).
Nearby in H-8 you will find Jade. If you wish to undertake a training lesson, approach the Edenian beauty and speak with her.
Training: Jade
Sindel has told me of your recent knighting, Sir Shujinko. It would be my honor to teach you the fighting styles of a secret servant of the Edenian throne. You will begin your training with Fan Zi high attacks.
- Movement Attack: 1
- Chest Punch: 2
- Shoulder Cracker: 3
- Thigh Buster: 4
The next lessons will teach you Fan Zi low attacks.
- Leg Chop: 1
- Mule Kick: 3
- Spinning Kick: 4
Feel the glory of Edenia! These are the power and pop-up attacks of Fan Zi.
- Shoulder Cracker: 3
- Power Fist: 1
Fan Zi basic combos will allow you to execute one attack after another until you reach victory.
- Fan Zi Quan Fists: 2, 2
- 2, 2, 1
- 2, 2, 1
Now that you have learned the basic combos, we will move on to Fan Zi advanced combos.
- 3 … 2, 2, 1
- 3 … 3 … 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
Your next lessons will encompass Kuo Shou high attacks.
- Stomach Smash: 1
- Chin Lifter: 2
- Steel Teeth Strike: 3
- Mid-Section Kick: 4
Now you will learn Kuo Shou basic low attacks.
- Lower Claw Strike: 1
- Creeping Kick: 3
- Heel Tapper: 4
Kuo Shou also utilizes power and pop-up attacks.
- Razor Elbow: 1
- Evil Uppercut: 2
- Chin Lifter: 2
Now try Kuo Shou basic combos.
- Turning Heels: 4, 4
Next, Kuo Shou advanced combos.
- 1 … 4, 4
- 1 … 1 … 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
The last of your high attack training will cover the fighting style of Bojutsu.
- Head Knocker: 1
- Twisting Hilt: 2
- Underarm Hilt Lift: 3
- Mid-Section Reach: 4
The Bojutsu basic low attacks will also aid you to defeat the Dragon King.
- Shin Smasher: 3
- Long Low Ranged Hit: 4
- Tricky Toe Strike: 3
Finally, Bojutsu have their own power and pop-up attack.
- 1
- Turning Pole: 2
- Rising Long Pole: 2
- Amazon Power Strike: 3
- Dancing Face Poke: 4
There are basic combos within the Bojutsu fighting style as well.
- 1, 1
- Chin Chopper: 2, 3
Finally, Bojutsu advanced combos.
- 2 … 2, 1, 3
- 2, 2 … 2, 1, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
As the realms are interconnected, so too can kombat be linked. To understand this, practice connecting your fighting styles together during combos to create intricate attacks.
- Stir It Up: 2, 2,
Good! Now try this style-branching combo.
- 2, 2, 1,
Finally, show me that you can handle this last style-branching combo.
- Blazing Staff: 4, 4,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 175 random koins.
Now I will teach you the mystical fighting moves of ancient Edenian warriors. These special moves can change the tide of battle.
- Blazing Nitro Kick: , 4
- Blazing Nitro Kick: , 4
Well done. Now try this one.
- Dodging Shadows: , 2
- Dodging Shadows: , 2
Impressive! Let us try another special move.
- Razor-Rang: , 3
- Razor-Rang: , 3
You have learned Edenian special attacks, but can you execute them while I attack you?
- Razor-Rang: , 3
- Dodging Shadows: , 2
- Blazing Nitro Kick: , 4
- Razor-Rang: , 3
- Dodging Shadows: , 2
- Blazing Nitro Kick: , 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 200 random koins.
I have taught you much, Sir Shujinko, but for your final test, you must fight me!
- Fight and defeat Jade in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 300 random koins.
Head west toward the small community of houses. Behind the most westerly house in D-8 on Mondays you will find a yin-yang that will give you a key for koffin DD (unlocks Shujinko’s Foot Grab).
Finally, continue west a short distance to the waterfall in C-8. Next to the waterfall on Wednesdays between 5pm and 6pm you will find a yin-yang that will give you a key for koffin KC (unlocks Shujinko’s Body Slam).
Side Mission

Retrieve Sindel’s signet ring for Princess Kitana
Head directly north where you will find Kitana walking about in C-4/C-5. Upon speaking to her, she asks for your help once more. Kitana says she wishes to inspire the Edenian Guard in Outworld by wearing Sindel’s signet ring. Unfortunately it was lost during Shao Kahn’s initial invasion of Edenia. She asks you to find it for you.
This seems to be a timed mission, so you must be quick in order to be successful. Travel east-northeast to H-3 where you will find the Signet Ring behind a large boulder. Return to Kitana who rewards you for your services with 500 koins from Edenia’s treasury.
Side Mission

Travel to the fountains in Edenia and return with a full bucket of Edenian water
In Chaosrealm you spoke with a man who asked if you could fill his bucket with Edenian water from a fountain.
Travel north to the nearby fountain in C-4. Shujinko will automatically fill the bucket with water. Return to the hooded man in Chaosrealm at G-7/G-8/H-7 and give him the bucket full of Edenian water. He finds koins at the bottom of the bucket, and says you must have picked them up when you dipped the bucket in the fountain. He has no use for them, and allows you to keep the 400 koins.
All content is Copyright © 2005-2024 Christopher Veljanovski. This guide is intended for personal use only. Any unauthorised reproduction is strictly prohibited.