- Map of Edenia
- Side Mission: Find employment for the assassin Hsu Hao
- Fighting Challenge: Liu Kang
- Fighting Challenge: Havik
- Fighting Challenge: Sub-Zero
- Side Mission: Find the old man’s missing son, or find his necklace
- Side Mission: Locate a new hideout for the ninja Rain
- Fighting Challenge: Kira
- Training: Sindel
- Side Mission: Go to the Netherrealm and find Ashrah’s lost sword
- Side Mission: Have Queen Sindel bless this sword for the civilian
- Side Mission: Present Reiko’s document to a Shao Kahn soldier
- Fighting Challenge: Dairou
- Side Mission: Bring some Edenian pie to this Shao Kahn soldier
- Fighting Challenge: Kobra
- Fighting Challenge: Mileena
- Side Mission: Deliver the message to the Edenian Resistance
- Fighting Challenge: Hotaru
- Side Mission: Go to Orderrealm and buy parts for the cyborg Sektor
Map of Edenia

Once entering Edenia head south a short distance until Damashi appears.
He tells you that there is only one Kamidogu left to retrieve before your quest is complete. However, he senses another force at work in this realm — someone else is after the Kamidogu.
Shujinko tells Damashi that he has never been told the true significance of the Kamidogu, and he feels that he is owed an explanation. Damashi tells Shujinko that the Kamidogu made possible the creation of reality. The Elder Gods used them to split the One Being into the six realms you have visited. Before the creation of the realms only the Elder Gods and the One Being existed. The One Being fed off the Elder Gods and it consumed them. War raged until six Elder Gods managed to forge six Kamidogu and splinter the One Being into the six realms. Over time a number of individuals have searched for these items of great power, and combining all six would give them the power to merge all realms into one, giving them ultimate power over the one realm.
Side Mission

Find employment for the assassin Hsu Hao
After your conversation with Damashi, head southeast to the trees in E-5/F-5. Here you will find Hsu Hao, an assassin who is looking for employment. He asks you to find him employment, and in return he will reward you with a finder’s fee.
Travel north-northwest to E-4 where you will find a bridge crossing a large gap near four waterfalls. Cross it, then head toward the western building where you will find Mavado on the balcony at D-2. He tells you that he has been looking for an assassin to infiltrate the Special Forces in Earthrealm and to tell Hsu Hao to meet him near the waterfall behind the palace. Return to Hsu Hao for a reward of 500 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Liu Kang
Cross the bridge to the east over the river then continue heading southeast until you reach a building in G-6. Outside its front doors between 7pm and 6am you will find Liu Kang. Approach the champion of Mortal Kombat to engage in battle.
Defeat Liu Kang while he is healing. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 300 random koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Havik
From Liu Kang’s position head west and follow the mountainside, keeping it to your left the whole time. Once on the other side head northeast toward H-6 where you will find Havik.
Defeat Havik. You can not block and you are bleeding to death. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 400 random koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Sub-Zero
To the west in F-7 you will find the Lin Kuei warrior Sub-Zero walking around. Speak with him to face him in kombat.
Defeat Sub-Zero with a 10 hit combo. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 400 random koins.
Side Mission

Find the old man’s missing son, or find his necklace
After defeating the Lin Kuei warrior, follow the path southwest and enter the first house on your left in E-8. Inside you will find a man wearing a bamboo peasant hat who tells you he has not seen his eldest son in a week. He fears that he may have been slain by Shao Kahn’s invading army. He asks you to find him and tell him to return home, or should you find him dead return his necklace as a keepsake.
In the far northeast at G-1 you will find a fallen man under a tree. Examine his body to find a Necklace. Return the Necklace to the old man to receive 500 koins.
Side Mission

Locate a new hideout for the ninja Rain
After leaving the man’s house, head northwest to D-7 where you will find Rain sneaking about behind a mountain. He tells you to find him a suitable cave that would allow him to camp and establish a plan to defeat the Edenian Freedom Fighters.
Head to the very southeast corner of Edenia in H-8 where you will find a group of large trees. Hidden here you will find a narrow path leading to a large tent. Enter the tent and speak with Jade. She will tell you that she has been looking for Rain for a long time, and to tell him about this cave so that she may ambush him. Return to Rain and tell him the location of the secret cave. He will go there at once; your only payment being the sparing of your life. Return to the trees in H-8 where you will find Jade at the entrance of the pathway. She rewards you with 500 koins for your assistance to Edenia.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Kira
Leave Jade’s location then head west until you reach a river. Cross the bridge then head south to find Kira standing next to a waterfall in C-8. Speak with her to challenge to Mortal Kombat.
Defeat Kira in 15 seconds. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 300 random koins.
Now, head north toward the green aura where you will find Princess Kitana standing in front of a fountain. She will be amazed that you emerged from the portal. She introduces herself, then asks for your help. She tells you that long ago Shao Kahn had merged both Edenia and Outworld and ruled them both. This was until Edenia won its right to independence. Now Shao Kahn has invaded Edenia once more in search of a powerful device, and that Edenia’s Queen Sindel has been taken captive. Kitana goes on to say that she cannot free Sindel herself as she must travel to Outworld to lead the assault against Shao Kahn’s forces, but if you were to free Sindel from Tanya’s imprisonment, she could lead the resistance here in Edenia. She is being held somewhere near the palace.

After agreeing to Kitana’s task, head northeast toward the green aura. Here you will encounter the traitor Tanya. Her stubbornness means that the only way to free Sindel is to defeat her in battle. When you successfully defeat her in two rounds, you will receive 500 random koins.
Enter the doorway to your left to find Queen Sindel. She tells you that you are a little old to be in Shao Kahn’s military. Shujinko replies by telling her that he was sent by her daughter, Kitana. Sindel then says that they must both leave before the guards realise she has escaped, and that you should follow her to receive your reward.
Once back outside, travel south-southwest to the green aura where you will find Sindel standing near the front door of a palace. Approach her to receive many thanks and your reward of training to become an Edenian knight.
Training: Sindel
An Edenian knight must first undergo Zha Chuan basic high attack training.
- Yoke Punch: 1
- Roaring Overhead Hammerfist: 2
- Rising Axe Kick: 3
- Southern Sidekick: 4
You have graduated to low attacks. Begin with these Zha Chuan basic low attacks.
- Mantis Claw: 1
- Low Spring Kick: 3
- Slithering Foot: 4
- Twisting Sweep: 3
Edenian knights are known for their courage in battle. Learn these Edenian power and pop-up attacks until you have mastered them.
- Chest Clincher: 1
- Southern Uppercut: 2
- Spring Leg: 3
You have learned much. But you are only halfway to becoming an Edenian knight. You will now learn Zha Chuan basic combos.
- Moslim Fists: 1, 1
- Spider Legs: 4, 4
- Justice: 1, 1, 1
Excellent! You have mastered the Edenian basic combos. Let us see how you fare with more advanced Zha Chuan combos.
- Cunning Killer: 4, 4, 4, 4
- 1, 1, 2 … 1 … 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
Now for the basic high attacks of the Fu Jow Pai fighting style.
- Straight Claw: 1
- Upward Paw: 2
- Back Kick: 3
- Roundhouse: 4
Every Edenian knight has mastered these Fu Jow Pai basic low attacks.
- Knee Claw: 1
- Spinning Low Kick: 3
- Low Toe Kick: 4
- Knee Strike: 1
- Shin Kick: 4
Next, learn these Fu Jow Pai power and pop-up attacks.
- Tiger Strike: 2
- Lifting Kick: 4
- Uppercut: 2
Well done. Now for Fu Jow Pai basic combos.
- Bloodshed: 3, 3
- Wandering Claws: 1, 1, 2
- The Queen: 1, 1, 1
Not bad, Shujinko. Now try Fu Jow Pai advanced combos.
- Black Tiger: 1, 1, 1, 3, 3
- 4 … 1, 1, 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
The Kwan Do high attacks are difficult, but you will find it to be an elegant weapon once you understand its balance.
- Gauging Slash: 1
- Head Chopper: 2
- Ranged Blade: 3
- Liver Slice: 4
Excellent! Finally, you will perfect the Kwan Do basic low attacks.
- Whirlwind Chop: 3
- Feet Cutter: 3
- Turning Amazon: 2
Finally, you will learn Kwan Do power and pop-up attacks.
- Berserk Chop: 1
- Chin Cut: 1
- Twisting Hilt: 2
- Reaching Edge: 2
- Rising Kwan End: 3
- Head Saw: 4
Finally, show me you can handle Kwan Do basic combos.
- Cutting You Up: 4, 4
- Ancient Secret: 1, 3
- Sindel’s Edge: 1, 3
Next you will master Kwan Do advanced combos.
- Keeping Distance: 4, 4, 3
- Slashing Queen: 4, 4, 1
- 4, 4, 1 … 4, 4, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
You have shown that you are indeed a formidable warrior! Show me that you can handle style-branching combos.
- Killer Kick: 1, 1,
- Khan’s Kontrol: 1, 1, 2,
Now for a different style-branching combo.
- Sneaky Fist: 4, 4, 4,
- Black Widow: 1, 1, 1, 3,
Now complete this style-branching combo.
- Darkness: 1, 1, 1, 3, , 4, 1
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
Now you will learn secret Edenian fighting moves. I will teach you our special attacks.
- Banshee Scream: , 1
- Banshee Scream: , 1
Well done. Now try this one…
- Star Screamer: , 3
- Star Screamer: , 3
This next special attack is not as easy…
- Sliding Foot Grab: , 1
- Sliding Foot Grab: , 1
An Edenian knight can perform any of the previous special attacks on command. Attack me with all of them. I will not make it easy for you.
- Sliding Foot Grab: , 1
- Star Screamer: , 3
- Banshee Scream: , 1
- Sliding Foot Grab: , 1
- Star Screamer: , 3
- Banshee Scream: , 1
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
For your final test, you must defeat me in battle. Do not hold back simply because I am the queen. I can handle myself!
- Fight and defeat Sindel in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 200 random koins.
Sindel will congratulate you on becoming a fully knighted Edenian soldier. She will then give you a simple task. Shao Kahn seeks a powerful item that has been hidden in Edenia since before recorded history. She gives you the Edenian Kamidogu and asks that you return it to the Elder Gods so that it may be safe. She then says that her and Kitana will continue to fight against the forces of Outworld and end Shao Kahn’s tyranny.
After speaking with Sindel, head north. Once you leave the archway, Damashi will appear. He recognises that you have the last of the Kamidogu, and asks that you return it to the Nexus immediately. With all six in place on the altar, he will be able to receive a physical body and will be free to dwell in the real world. His rebirth will take place in Outworld. Shujinko congratulates him and says he will do as he asks, but first we have a few more side missions to take care of.
Side Mission

Go to the Netherrealm and find Ashrah’s lost sword
Once Damashi dematerialises, head north over the nearby bridge to the area where you earlier spoke with Princess Kitana. Walking around C-3/C-4/D-4 you will find Ashrah. She tells you that she has finally freed herself from the Netherrealm, but the sword that made her ascension possible did not travel with her. She asks that you return to the Netherrealm and retrieve it for her.
You cannot complete this mission until you progress later in the game. The solution for this side mission will be covered later on in this playguide.
Side Mission

Have Queen Sindel bless this sword for the civilian
From Ashrah head east to the street we first travelled on upon our arrival in Edenia in E-4/E-5. Walking along this street you will find a bald man dressed in a black shirt and white pants. He tells you that he would like to fight against Shao Kahn’s forces, but he is not trained as an Edenian Guard. He asks you to take his sword to Queen Sindel for her blessing.
You will find Sindel in C-6, the same location in which we just completed our training. She will only be available from 3pm to 9pm and 1am to 8am. Cancel the prompt to repeat training. Sindel agrees to bless the sword if it will inspire the man to join the resistance against Shao Kahn’s forces. Return the Blessed Sword to the man to receive a reward of 400 koins.
After returning the sword to the man, travel east to F-4. Inside a house you will find a video camera that will give you a key for koffin TT (unlocks Choy Lay Fut video).
Side Mission

Present Reiko’s document to a Shao Kahn soldier
Head west toward the fountain in C-4 where you spoke with Kitana earlier. Now head northwest to the cliff in B-3 where you will find Reiko walking in amongst some trees. He introduces himself as general of Shao Kahn’s army, and asks that you deliver a document to a foot soldier near the palace.
To the southeast in C-5/C-6 you will find an Edenian soldier guarding a bridge. He thanks you for showing him the document, as Edenian authorities now know Shao Kahn’s plan of attack. The guard rewards you for your invaluable information with 600 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Dairou
From the bridge make your way northwest to A-2. Behind a large boulder you will find a short pathway leading to the assassin Dairou’s location. Speak with him to initiate a battle.
Defeat Dairou in two rounds. Only throws will damage him and you cannot block. When you successfully defeat him, you will receive 400 random koins.
Side Mission

Bring some Edenian pie to this Shao Kahn soldier
Travel northeast toward a bridge near a giant waterfall in B-1. Here you will find one of Shao Kahn’s soldiers. He asks if you know of the Edenian woman who bakes delicious pies. He will pay you if you find her and bring him a pie.
Travel south to B-7 where you will find two houses. Outside the house to the north you will find a woman standing with her arms crossed. She hands you a poisoned Edenian Pie after learning that it will be consumed by a soldier of Shao Kahn. Return the pie to the soldier to who gives you 500 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Kobra
After crossing the bridge head south to C-2 where you will find Kobra walking amongst the trees. Confront him and accept his challenge to kombat.
Defeat Kobra in 30 seconds while you are only doing half damage. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 400 random koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Mileena
From Kobra’s location face east and enter the palace grounds. Shortcut through the grounds and use the eastern exit. To the southeast in G-2 you will find Mileena in amongst the trees. Speak to the Outworld impostor and defeat her in kombat.
Defeat Mileena while she does double damage, heals and you cannot block. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 400 random koins.
Side Mission

Deliver the message to the Edenian Resistance
Head south to F-3/G-2/G-3 where you will find an Edenian soldier. He asks your help, telling you that he is part of the Edenian resistance against Shao Kahn’s forces, and that he needs to deliver a message to other members in order for there to be a military push. They are located on the other side of Edenia.
Travel west-southwest to A-4 where you will find an Edenian soldier close to a large boulder. Give the note to the soldier to receive a reward of 400 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Hotaru
Travel northeast to H-1 where you will find Hotaru either next to a raised platform of trees or close to the edge of a cliff. Escape his wrath by challenging him to Mortal Kombat.
Defeat Hotaru during an earthquake. During this fight both you and Hotaru will lose health whenever the ground tremors. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 300 random koins.
Side Mission

Go to Orderrealm and buy parts for the cyborg Sektor
Travel south to G-3/H-3 where you will find the cyborg ninja Sektor. He tells you that he is damaged and in need of repairs after an altercation with Sub-Zero. He hands you some koins and asks you to go to Orderrealm and purchase the parts on the Parts List for him.
You cannot complete this mission until you progress later in the game. The solution for this side mission will be covered later on in this playguide.

After speaking with Sektor, travel west toward the green aura. Once you reach E-4, enter the portal to return to the Nexus. Walk forward to trigger a cutscene in which Shujinko contemplates his life-long journey finally drawing to a close. Shujinko is confronted by Scorpion who accuses him of meddling in the affairs of the Elder Gods. He then threatens to teach you your final lesson. You must now defeat Scorpion in three rounds. You will receive no reward for defeating him.
Once defeating Scorpion, Shujinko places the Edenian Kamidogu on the altar, thus completing his quest to find all six. After waiting a while, Shujinko questions why the six Kamidogu have not been transported to the Elder Gods as expected. Shujinko is then confronted by Onaga, the Dragon King who tells him that it is because his quest is not finished. After Shujinko questions him on his identity, he reveals the avatar Shujinko had talked to all along: Damashi. Damashi was merely an emissary of Onaga’s consciousness, used to manipulate Shujinko into completing his quest. He was deceived into bringing Onaga six items of great power that would allow him to attain ultimate control of all that exists. Onaga then explains that the Kamidogu were not transported to the Elder Gods because the last piece is missing. This piece is currently in Outworld in the possession of the sorcerer Quan Chi. Onaga then tells Shujinko that his quest will finally end here in death. Onaga chases after Shujinko, who jumps into the Earthrealm portal.
After picking himself up in Earthrealm, Shujinko is relieved to find that the Dragon King did not follow him, and that he must have decided to obtain the item off Quan Chi. Shujinko then calls himself a fool. Blinded by the lure of adventure, he allowed himself to be manipulated and put the realms in danger of evil.
Congratulations! You have completed the main storyline of Konquest mode, and Shujinko is now playable in all modes. Your quest for items, however, has not. There are still many side quests, fighting challenges, training missions and items to collect from areas that are now accessible.