Map of Orderrealm

For an untold number of years Shujinko remains imprisoned in his jail cell awaiting his trial. During this time he ages dramatically.
Finally, after many years of waiting, it is time for justice to prevail.

You will regain control of Shujinko in a holding cell with two guards protecting the door. Go over and speak to the guard on your left. Shujinko asks him why he has been brought here from his prison cell. The guard tells him that he is about to enter the judicial court of this realm in order to defend the charges brought against him. Shujinko then says after all these long years justice will finally prevail and that he cannot see himself getting a large sentence from such a frivolous crime as a curfew. The guard tells him not to be so optimistic about his chances.
After your conversation with the guard, head toward the back of the cell. The assassin Dairou will emerge and kill both guards. Shujinko questions his actions; Dairou answers by saying that he was paid by Damashi to remove any factors that may hinder his quest. Dairou then tells you that you would not have had any chance with the judge, and most probably have been imprisoned for decades. He then gives you a key to the courtroom door, and says if you are in need of his services to look for him in the Realm of Order.

From your holding cell travel southeast toward the green aura at D-6 where you will find a fallen guardsman in front of the courtroom doors. Enter the front door to find Commander Hotaru inside. He says that he is disappointed in you, and that he thought he trained you to respect order. Hotaru then accuses Shujinko of killing two guards and breaking into a courtroom. He says that his trial would have no doubt found him innocent, and that he came to testify in his defence. He now faces a death sentence for his crimes. Shujinko has no alternative but to resist arrest. You must now defeat Hotaru in two rounds. When you successfully defeat him, you will receive 500 random koins.
Once Hotaru has been defeated, walk into the green aura to collect the Orderrealm Kamidogu from the pedestal. Leave the courtroom and head north to encounter Damashi. Shujinko questions Damashi on the assassin and how he could condone such actions. Surely these aren’t the methods of the Elder Gods, he says. Damashi retorts by saying that he is not an Elder God merely a guide, and not to judge his methods. He continues by telling Shujinko that he himself has also done many dishonourable things during his quest. He then instructs Shujinko to return to the Nexus.
Travel north to the green aura inside the pyramid structure and enter the portal to return to the Nexus. Once in the Nexus, return to the altar to place the Orderrealm Kamidogu in its place. This opens the last of the six portals. Enter the turquoise portal to enter Edenia.