Map of Outworld

After setting foot in Outworld via the Nexus for the third time, face southwest and cross the bridge.
Follow the path in front of you and continue south until you reach the area in A-6 where Shao Kahn and his minions reside. From here travel east across the bridge, then north to the green aura in C-5. Here you will find Kano, a member of the Black Dragon accompanied by many guards. He tells Shujinko that the sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung have ordered all denizens of Outworld to submit to the rule of the Deadly Alliance. Shujinko tells Kano that he is originally from Earthrealm, but Kano says that it doesn’t matter and orders him to the village of Sun Do.
Once you arrive in Sun Do, Kano will tell you that Shang Tsung has ordered all peons of this village to build him a palace large enough to accommodate his army. He then warns you not to escape, and that he’d hate to kill a villager.
After speaking with Kano, face west and enter the hut in F-7. Inside you will find Li Mei who disappears immediately upon your entry. You then automatically receive a key for koffin PD (unlocks Li Mei).
Leave the hut and head toward the green aura nearby where you will find Li Mei. She immediately recognises that you are not from Outworld. Shujinko tells her that he is on a quest for the Elder Gods, and has returned to Outworld to confront a growing threat. She tells you that this village was the first conquest of the Deadly Alliance and that she wishes to enter the Mortal Kombat tournament to free her enslaved people. Shujinko doubts her abilities, and offers to train her in kombat.
Training: Li Mei
Li Mei, I will begin your training with Lui He Ba Fa high attacks, which I learned while training with Master Bo’ Rai Cho in Earthrealm.
- Sideward Palm: 1
- Open Fist Strike: 2
- Back Kick: 3
- Swinging Elbow: 4
The next lessons will teach you Lui He Ba Fa low attacks.
- Needle Fingers: 1
- Back Sweep: 3
- Walking Heels: 4
- Sweeping Kick: 3
These are the power and pop-up attacks of Lui He Ba Fa. With them, you will be able to juggle your opponent in the air, keeping him off balance.
- Hammer Palm: 1
- Heel Palm Strike: 1
- Uppercut: 2
- Lifting Knee: 4
Next, Li Mei, you will learn Lui He Ba Fa basic combos. These will require much practice.
- Pink Dragon: 3, 3
- Lost Rose: 2, 4
- Extreme Fists: 1, 1, 1
Now that you have learned the basic combos, we will move on to Lui He Ba Fa advanced combos.
- Explosive Strength: 1, 1, 4
- Golden Path: 1, 1, 2, 1
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
Your next lessons will encompass Mi Zong high attacks.
- Hook Fist: 1
- Straight Punch: 2
- High Kick: 3
- Side Kick: 4
Now you will learn Mi Zong basic low attacks.
- Low Strike: 1
- Crab Kick: 3
- Step Kick: 4
- Sweeping Trip: 3
Mi Zong also utilizes power and pop-up attacks.
- Slap Down: 1
- Off Balance Punch: 1
- Pelvis Strike: 2
- Lift Kick: 4
- Smashing Kick: 4
- Uppercut: 2
Now, on to Mi Zong basic combos.
- Good Old 1-2: 1, 1
- Triplets: 1, 1, 1
- Zong Rage: 1, 1, 4
Next, Mi Zong advanced combos.
- Angry Ape: 1, 1, 1
- Iron Broom: 2, 2, 4
- Lost Track: 2, 2, 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
The last of your high attack training will cover the fighting style of Kunlun Dao.
- Lethal Slash: 1
- Swift Wind: 2
- Melee Slice: 3
- Front Kick: 4
The Kunlun Dao basic low attacks will help you to liberate your town from the Deadly Alliance.
- Leg Slicer: 1
- Low Slice: 3
- Toe Poker: 4
- Leg Trip: 4
Finally, Kunlun Dao has its own power and pop-up attack. It is a most effective technique.
- Leaf Cutter: 1
- Deadly Blade: 2
There are basic combos within the Kunlao Dao fighting style as well.
- Basic Slashes: 1, 1
- Wind Kontrol: 1, 1, 2
- Kunlun’s Best: 1, 1, 3
Finally, Kunlun Dao advanced combos will give you an edge in battle.
- 1 … 1, 1, 3
- 1 … 1, 1, 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
This attack combo changes from one fighting style to another.
- Twister Spin: 2, 4,
Good! Now try this style-branching combo.
- Typhoon Hands: 1, 1, 2, 4,
Finally, show me that you can handle this last style-branching combo.
- Crossing Paths: 1, 2, 2,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
Special moves can turn a seemingly inevitable defeat into a surprise victory. Let us see how well you learn this one.
- Nova Blast: , 1
- Nova Blast: , 1
Well done. Now try this one. It was taught to me by Master Bo’ Rai Cho many years ago.
- Carnival Spin: , 3
- Carnival Spin: , 3
Impressive! Let us go on to another special move.
- Flying Flurry: , 2
- Flying Flurry: , 2
You are learning quickly! But you still have one left to master.
- Flipping Heel Kick: , 4
- Flipping Heel Kick: , 4
You have learned many special attacks, but can you execute them in an actual fight?
- Flipping Heel Kick: , 4
- Flying Flurry: , 2
- Carnival Spin: , 3
- Nova Blast: , 1
- Flipping Heel Kick: , 4
- Flying Flurry: , 2
- Carnival Spin: , 3
- Nova Blast: , 1
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
I have taught you much, Li Mei, but I must test your abilities in kombat!
- Fight and defeat Li Mei in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 200 random koins.
After the training session Li Mei thanks Shujinko for his training. Shujinko then tells Li Mei that she may not need to face the two sorcerers, and tells her of Hotaru saving Lei Chen from the Tarkatan horde. Shujinko then says that he will go and ask Hotaru for her.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Johnny Cage
Southeast of Li Mei in H-8 you will find Johnny Cage. Speak to the movie star to spar him.
Defeat Johnny Cage with a 12 hit combo. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 400 random koins.
Close to where Johnny Cage is circling you will find a gold chest. Open it to receive a key for koffin DO (unlocks Dragon Mountain Arena).
Side Mission

Find Reiko and tell him that he is not to enter Shao Kahn’s chamber
Earlier you spoke with Shao Kahn who told you that formerly his most trust general Reiko had been entering his private chamber and wearing his helmet. He asked you to find Reiko and tell him not to enter his chamber again.
Head west over the bridge to F-8 where you will find Reiko walking around this area. After speaking with him, he tells you to inform Shao Kahn that he will no longer wear his helmet, and that one day he will rule Outworld in place of Shao Kahn. Return to Shao Kahn in B-6 who releases you of your debt and rewards you with 500 koins.
Side Mission

Find a potion to restore Blaze’s memory
On your first visit to Outworld you encountered a warrior by the name of Blaze. His quest had been delayed as a spell cast upon him had caused him to lose his memory. He asked you to find a Memory Potion for him.
In front of a hut in G-8 in the village of Sun Do you will find a woman standing with her arms crossed. Speak with her to receive her last Memory Potion. Return to C-3/C-4 and give the Memory Potion to Blaze who is now able to remember his quest and continue his journey. He rewards you with 500 koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Tanya
Trek north of Blaze’s position to C-2/C-3 where you will find Tanya walking around. Approach her and beat honesty into her skull.
Defeat Tanya while she is invisible. When you successfully defeat her in one round, you will receive 350 random koins and a key for koffin ML (unlocks Tanya’s Alt Costume).
Head east toward Hotaru in the city of Lei Chen. Shujinko’s friendly greeting is cut short by Hotaru’s bitterness. He tells Shujinko that he has violated his ordinance, and that he was to go indoors when the toll sounded. Shujinko says that he just arrived in Outworld, and had no knowledge of this. Hotaru responds by stating that ignorance is not an excuse and places you under arrest for disobeying the laws of this city. Your trial will take place in Orderrealm.