- Earthrealm Village Map
- Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson One
- Side Mission: Help this villager cure his toothache
- Side Mission: Find the hiding boy
- Side Mission: Find the lost key somewhere in the park
- Side Mission: Deliver a note to the blacksmith
- Side Mission: Find a woman’s missing son
- Side Mission: Wake up the lazy boy sleeping in the woods
- Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Two
- Side Mission: Find medicine for the sick boy before 8pm
- Side Mission: Reclaim the pawned wedding ring
- Side Mission: Teach Mekko a lesson
- Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Three
- Side Mission: Scare away the peeping tom
- Side Mission: Fill the bucket with water from a well
- Side Mission: Locate flour for the baker
- Side Mission: Find a lost dog
- Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Four
- Side Mission: Find proof that oni exist
- Side Mission: Locate five Lin Kuei before dawn
- Side Mission: Locate a lost bracelet
- Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Five
- Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Six
- Side Mission: Find a vase for the strange man
- Side Mission: Race the old man
- Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Seven
Earthrealm Village Map

Your adventure begins in a small village in Earthrealm. A group of villagers are playing in a park, pretending to be their favourite Mortal Kombat characters.
A woman exclaims “We’re late!” after a bell interrupts their play, and the park is soon empty. Shujinko enters a nearby dojo for his first training lesson with Master Bo’ Rai Cho.
Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson One
Ah, Shujinko! You have arrived! Let us begin…You have a long way to go, but every step is a victory. How you maneuver in kombat plays as much a part of your strategy as how you punch or kick. Tapping toward or away from your opponent will guide your movements.
Your first exercise will be to step toward me three times. Then, step away from me three times.
- , ,
- , ,
Do not assume that offensiveness is always the correct path to victory. A hasty retreat can give you the space you need to plan your next attack. By quickly tapping twice away from your opponent, you can perform a Backward Dash.
Put distance between us by performing three Backward Dashes away from me.
- ,
- ,
- ,
Know a fighting style like you would know yourself. Let no attribute escape you.
Try to strike me once with four different basic attacks to understand their unique characteristics.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Often you can perform different attacks with the same button by pressing in a direction at the same time. For example, pressing towards your opponent while attacking will execute a different attack.
Now, Shujinko, strike me with each of your high punch attacks.
- Leaning Fingers: 2
- Stone Column: 1
Next, Shujinko, I will show you attack variations. Some attacks can be executed by combining the directional buttons and an attack button. These attacks will often strike your opponent in different locations. In the Mantis fighting style, the 3 button will initiate an attack to your opponent’s chest. However, by holding Back + 3, you will attack your opponent’s knees.
Strike me with each of your high and low attacks.
- Creature Kick: 3
- Sting Tap: 3
A mixture of high and low attacks can overcome the defenses of even the most determined foe.
Strike me with two high attacks and two low attacks.
- Perform any two high attacks and any two low attacks
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
You emerge from the dojo after completing the training lesson facing the park.
Side Mission

Help this villager cure his toothache
You will find an old man walking along the path in front of the park entrance in A-6/B-6. After speaking with him, he informs you that he has a rotten tooth that is causing him a great deal of pain, however the village dentist is nowhere to be found.
Punch the old man in the face. This will knock out his rotten tooth. He will reward you for your ‘dental services’ with 400 koins.

Also in this area you will find an old woman leaning over holding her back. She tells you that she needs to put her money away in a safe place. If you punch her, she will drop a hut key, giving you access to her hut. Her hut can be found to the north in B-5 with the straw roof. Inside you will find 140 , 60 , 50 , 150 and 65 koins.
Standing next to the dojo you just trained in at B-6 is your guide, Apep. He will show you through the village to the necessary dojos you will require to train in. Go over and speak with him. After your short conversation, he will go to your next training location. Ignore him for now and head north down the path. You will spot a gold chest next to a hut to your right in B-6. Open it to receive a key for koffin KI (unlocks Scorpion’s Alt Costume).
Side Mission

Find the hiding boy
Close to where you opened the gold chest in B-6 you will see a masked boy. Upon speaking to him, he informs you that he is learning the art of Ninjitsu and that you will never find him once he disappears. He then vanishes from sight in a puff of smoke.
Head back to the park with the fountain in A-6 where you will find him in the far southwest corner hiding behind a tree. He will reward you with a Mysterious Key for finding him. This key will open the hut he was standing in front of. A reward of 400 koins awaits you inside.
Side Mission

Find the lost key somewhere in the park
Walk over to the man standing in between two houses in B-5 and speak with him. He tells you that he lost his house key while playing Mortal Kombat earlier, and asks if you to find and return it to him before his parents find out.
Head back to the park with the fountain in A-6. You’ll find the man’s key on the northern side of the park close to the corner of the building. You now have two options: either return the house key to the man and receive 50 random koins or enter his house (with the two windows) and open the chest inside to receive 250 koins.
Side Mission

Deliver a note to the blacksmith
You will find another old woman walking in B-5/B-6/C-5/C-6. She asks you to deliver a note to the blacksmith for her.
Give the note to the blacksmith in B-4. If you return to the old woman she will thank you, but you will not receive any kind of reward (apart from knowing you did good deed). Note that you cannot complete this side mission until you have completed Bo’ Rai Cho’s fourth training lesson later on.
Side Mission

Find a woman’s missing son
You will find a woman dressed in a dark robe roaming B-5/C-5 who is looking for her missing son. She says that the Lin Kuei have been recruiting again and that perhaps her son has been initiated. She asks you to find him and tell him to come home immediately.
At A-3 you will find two boys fighting. If you speak with the woman’s son, he will reward you with 400 koins for not revealing his location to his mom. Note that you cannot complete this side mission until you have completed Bo’ Rai Cho’s fourth training lesson later on.
Side Mission

Wake up the lazy boy sleeping in the woods
Next to the dojo in B-5 you will find a young boy standing by himself. After speaking with him, he informs you that he cannot find his brother, and that he is lazy and needs to do his chores.
At D-4 you will find his brother sleeping under a tree behind a hut. After waking him, he will run home to do his chores. If you follow him or speak to him at a later date, he will give you a Ninja Star. Note that you cannot complete this side mission until you have completed Bo’ Rai Cho’s second training lesson later on.
Head to the dojo nearby where you will find Apep waiting for you by the steps. Speak to him, then enter the dojo to begin your second training lesson.
Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Two
Every warrior has the potential to effortlessly link his or her moves into one long attack combination. For example, you can combine attacks by pressing 1 and 1 in rapid succession.
Test your attack combo skills. Execute the short form of this combo.
- Metal Mantis: 1, 1, 2
- Looking For Prey: 1, 1, 1
- Time To Hunt: 1, 1, 3
You show the makings of a promising student. Not many of my pupils would have understood the technique of combining attacks so quickly!
Now try the full Combo moves.
- Stunning Prey: 1, 1, 3
- Scratch It Up: 1, 1, 2, 4
Next, Shujinko, you will learn the might of the Power Attack!
Power Attacks do more damage than normal attacks. Most are performed by combining attack buttons with the directional buttons. Perform these Power Attacks so that I may see that you have learned.
- Stone Column: 2
- Forceful Ball Kick: 3
- Hidden Mantis Claws: 4
- Mantacut: 2
I will now show you the art of Pop-Up Attacks. These moves will give you the advantage by keeping your opponent in the air long enough to execute a combo.
Your opponent cannot block while being popped in the air. This is indicated by his blue Fight State indicator light just below his health meter. Like Power Attacks, these moves are also performed by combining the attack buttons with the directional buttons. Now, Shujinko, show me you understand Pop-Up Attacks.
- Mantis Takes Prey: 2
- Upward Leg: 4
Excellent! Now try to follow a Pop-Up Attack with another attack while your opponent is still in the air. This is called ‘juggling.’
- 4 … 1, 1, 1
- 2 … 1, 1, 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
After you complete your training lesson with Bo’ Rai Cho, speak to Apep. Once your conversation has ended, he will head toward the next dojo. We will meet with him in a short while.
Side Mission

Find medicine for the sick boy before 8pm
Head down the path a short distance to C-5 where you will see a boy leaning over and coughing to your left. After speaking with him, you find that he has eaten some bad kimchee that has made him very ill, and unless you get him some medicine by 8pm he will die.
Head to B-6 and look for a woman hanging out washing. This is the boy’s mother, who will give you a Bottle of Medicine required to cure her son. Take the medicine to the sick boy. After giving it to him, he will thank you for saving his life. He will then reveal to you that after 4am on Wednesdays next to the dojo you just trained in there will be a great treasure (800 koins).
Head east down the path. You will see a gold chest to your right next to the butcher in C-6. Open it to receive a key for koffin ND (unlocks Bo’ Rai Cho Puzzle Fighter). Cross the bridge and speak with the man meditating to your left. He will teach you how to meditate: something you will do many times throughout Konquest to advance time.
Side Mission

Reclaim the pawned wedding ring
Head east to the man standing outside a house in D-5 and speak with him. He tells you that he pawned off his wedding ring to pay off some debts, and now his wife won’t speak with him. He cannot afford to get it back, so he asks for your help.
Head west over the bridge to C-6. On your left you will see a small marketplace. Talk to the hooded merchant who asks if you would like to buy a ring. After he says you couldn’t possibly afford it, punch him and collect the ring. Return it to the man to receive 400 koins.
To the north in D-5 you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin GP (unlocks Portal Arena).
Side Mission

Teach Mekko a lesson
Continue north a short distance to D-5 where you will see three boys huddled in a circle next to a dojo. Speak to the boy closest to the dojo, who will tell you that a bully named Mekko keeps stealing their lunch money and that he’s in the park. He wishes someone would beat him up and get their money back.
Return to the park in A-6 where you will find Mekko walking around. Punch him to receive 400 koins. If you return to the boys in D-5 and speak with the same boy you spoke with earlier, he will give you a Parent’s Hut Key for your trouble. This key will open the hut near the bridge in D-4. Inside you will find a further 140 koins.
Go to the green aura in D-5 to find Apep waiting for you outside the dojo. After speaking with him, enter the dojo for your next training lesson.
Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Three
I will now show you the basics of defense. A defensive warrior can block an attack by holding Block while his opponent strikes.
You must now attempt to block four of my strikes.
- Block four of Bo’ Rai Cho’s attacks
Excellent. Now block four low attacks.
- Block four of Bo’ Rai Cho’s low attacks
Ducking below your opponent is an effective tactic to avoid high attacks.
Duck under these three high attacks by pressing diagonally down and away from me on the directional buttons.
- Duck under Bo’ Rai Cho’s attacks as he executes them
An excellent way to tire out your opponent is to evade his attacks.
Evade three of my punches by quickly tapping up or down on the directional buttons as I attack.
- Tap or just as Bo’ Rai Cho attacks
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
Following your third training lesson, talk to Apep again who will run toward a bridge to the north. There is a guard here stopping you both from passing. After speaking with Apep, you find that you need to pay a toll to cross the bridge, but he has no money. Head back to C-6 and speak with the butcher. Take the ham he gives you and speak with the guard on the bridge. He will inform you that he loves ham and after thanking you he will clear the way. Speak to Apep who will now travel to the next training location. We have some things to take care of before we follow him.
Side Mission

Scare away the peeping tom
If you turn south of the bridge and look to your right you will see a house with a lit window at C-4. Upon entering the house, you find a woman who tells you that every night at 2am a strange man stands at her window and watches her undress.
Wait outside until 2am. A man will come from over the bridge and stop outside the woman’s window. Punch the man and collect the 400 koins he drops.
Side Mission

Fill the bucket with water from a well
Head north over the bridge and enter the hut closest to the pond in D-4 to find a woman inside with a sore back. She asks you to fetch a bucket of water for her as she needs to do her laundry.
Head over to B-6 where you will find a well next to a house. Fill the bucket with water then return it to the woman for a reward of 400 koins.
Side Mission

Locate flour for the baker
Enter the hut next door to the one you were just in. A man inside tells you that he has run out of flour for making pastries. He says if you could retrieve a bag of flour from his storage room for him, he will pay you.
Make your way to B-3 to find a small shack with a barrel next to it. Inside you will find a Sack of Flour. Return the flour to the man to receive 400 koins. Note that you cannot complete this side mission until you have completed Bo’ Rai Cho’s fourth training lesson.
Side Mission

Find a lost dog
Next to the hut you just visited you will find a larger house with an old woman inside. She tells you that she hasn’t seen her dog Nikko for a few days, and asks if you can find it for her.
Head north to C-3 and enter the small hut across from the dojo. A man inside tells you that he did not realise the dog was a pet and he had the butcher cut it up for his dinner. He gives you the remainder of the dog. Take the Dog Meat back to the old woman to receive 400 koins.
Head west toward the dojo. On your left you will find a musical note in C-4 that will give you a key for koffin KT (unlocks Liu Kang’s Tomb Music), and on your right in C-3 you will find a gold chest that contains a key for koffin ON (unlocks Kenshi).
Travel to the green aura speak with Apep, then enter the dojo for your fourth training lesson.
Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Four
If you should become an accomplished warrior, you will likely have studied many different fighting styles. Each fighting style has its strengths and weaknesses. Weapons are also frequently used in kombat. You will likely have learned to use many during your many years of training.
Press the Style Change button to cycle through your current fighting styles.
- , ,
Now strike me with an attack from each of your three fighting styles.
- 1, , 2, , 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
You will notice the wheelbarrow that was blocking the bridge has now been removed. Speak with Apep who will continue to the next training location.
Side Mission

Find proof that oni exist
Head west over the bridge. Continue to the end of the path and enter the house on your left with two windows in A-4. Inside you will find a man and woman arguing over whether or not oni exist. The woman wishes she had some kind of proof that oni exist to prove her brother wrong.
Backtrack to B-5/B-6/C-6 where you will find an oni roaming the streets after midnight till the early hours of the morning. Punch the oni, then pick up its tooth and return it to the woman. She will give you 500 koins for providing her with evidence.
Side Mission

Locate five Lin Kuei before dawn
Across from the dojo in B-3 is a large hut with a straw roof. Between 6pm and the early hours of the morning you will find old man standing in front of it. He tells you that there are five Lin Kuei warriors hiding within the walls of the village. He asks you to find and deal with them.
You will need to find and punch all five Lin Kuei warriors before dawn. From where you are standing face west, then follow the small path between the dojo and the hut to find the first Lin Kuei warrior in A-4. After emerging from between the buildings, head north. You will find the second Lin Kuei warrior hidden amongst the trees in A-2. Now, backtrack through the village to C-4 where you will find a third Lin Kuei warrior hiding in a clump of trees behind a dojo and a large building. Continue to backtrack to D-4 where you will find another warrior amongst the trees. Finally, head back to the first dojo you trained in at B-6 to find the final Lin Kuei warrior behind a tree. Return to the old man for a reward of 600 koins.
Side Mission

Locate a lost bracelet
After your previous mission, head northwest to the large straw hut in A-3. Next to it you will find a woman hanging out clothes to dry. She tells you that she has lost a bracelet because it was too large for her wrist and asks you to find it for her.
Travel southeast to D-5. Search the two barrels in the southeast corner to find the Shiny Bracelet. Return it to the woman for a reward of 400 koins.
Travel south to the green aura and speak with Apep. When you are done, enter the dojo to begin your fifth training lesson.
Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Five
It is a well known fact that when your opponent attacks, he is also vulnerable to your attack. You must be able to recognise this opportunity. Keep your eye on the red Fight State indicator light below your opponent’s health meter. When it lights up, he is exposed to your attack. You will do more damage to your opponent when the red light is on. Try to dodge my attack and then counter with another attack.
- Dodge Bo’ Rai Cho’s attacks by quickly tapping or then follow up by pressing one of the attack buttons
Good! Now duck under my high attack and then counter with an attack of your own.
- Duck at the appropriate time and immediately perform a low attack
I have already taught you combo attacks. These attacks can do much damage to your opponent. If you should find yourself being attacked by a string of combo moves, you cannot block after the first hit. There is a method, however, for breaking a combo attack. This is what is called a Breaker. A Breaker is performed by holding ‘block’ and pressing toward your opponent with the directional buttons. Try to break my combo three times by holding ‘block’ and pressing the directional buttons toward me.
- Do three breakers
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
After emerging from the dojo, speak to Apep. He will stop nearby at a large archway which leads to The Earthrealm Academy of Martial Arts. It is here that you will learn the more advanced fighting techniques needed to become a skilled warrior. Apep tells Shujinko that he has to go to class, leaving you on your own.
Head north into the academy through the open doors. You will see a fountain in front of you, as well as a green aura at the far end. Enter the door highlighted by the aura to begin another training session.
Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Six
Many of the skills you have learned can be used together. By combining fighting styles, you will truly become a master of Mortal Kombat.
Linking fighting styles together will enhance your attack. Show me you understand by performing these Style-Branching combos.
- Poor Soul: 1, 2, 4,
By launching your opponent into the air, you leave your opponent vulnerable to combos.
Try these Pop-Up combos.
- Perfection: 1, 1, 2,
I am impressed with your aptitude for learning martial arts, Shujinko. But I must put you to the test to see if you truly understand the intricacies of combo attacks.
Show me you can perform this advanced style branch combo.
- Plane Searcher: 1, 4, 4,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
Side Mission

Find a vase for the strange man
Leave the academy using the eastern doorway. After travelling east for a short distance, you will see an old man hunched over next to a straw roofed hut in C-2. He tells you that there is a vase lost somewhere in the village that he needs back. If you do find it for him, he will pay you.
Continue east a short distance to C-1 and enter the small straw hut next to the clothesline. Inside you will find the rare vase. Return it to the old man to receive 400 koins.
On the eastern side of the man’s house in C-2 you will find a musical note that will give you a key for koffin CC (unlocks Beetle Lair Music).
Continue east toward the green aura. On the left of the archway in D-1 you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin HB (unlocks Yin Yang Puzzle Arena).
Side Mission

Race the old man
After opening the gold chest, turn to face south. You will see an old man standing outside a hut in D-2. He tells you that he is training to be the fastest man in all of Earthrealm. He asks you to aid his training by racing him.
Holding down the run button, head west toward The Earthrealm Academy of Martial Arts. Continue to run until you collect the koin in the doorway (this is the finish line). Once he catches up to you, speak to him. He will admit defeat and say that he will continue to train. Your reward was the 60 koins you collected.
Head east toward the green aura to trigger an automated conversation between Shujinko and Bo’ Rai Cho. Bo’ Rai Cho will tell Shujinko that he is too young and inexperienced to venture past the walls of the village. Shujinko agrees with his master, then turns and walks off.
As he is walking away, he is startled by a sudden burst of light. This is Damashi, an emissary of the Elder Gods. Damashi tells Shujinko that the Elder Gods require his help to recover items of great importance, and that he has been chosen to be the Elder Gods’ champion. Damashi then infuses Shujinko with the ability to absorb the fighting skills of any warrior he may encounter on his quest. With his newly found abilities, Shujinko returns to face Bo’ Rai Cho.
Training: Bo’ Rai Cho Lesson Seven
I highly doubt that you could have learned enough from the few lessons I have taught you.
Spar with me to prove your skills.
- Fight and defeat Bo’ Rai Cho in two rounds
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 400 random koins.
You are now free to leave the walls of the village with Bo’ Rai Cho’s blessing. Remember that once you leave the village you cannot return, so make sure you have opened all chests, collected all koins and checked inside every house before you depart. When you are ready to leave, approach Bo’ Rai Cho.