Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei clan. Kuai Liang beat death to redeem his clan for the evil committed by Sektor and the Cyber Lin Kuei. He rebuilt the Lin Kuei and brokered peace with their Shirai Ryu rivals. Now, he hopes to finally close the book on sins of Lin Kuei past.
Basic Attacks
Straight Chop FP
Axe Bash FP
Low Back HandCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FP
Palm Strike BP
Rising Axe BP
Double Axe Slam BP
Rising DoomTriggers if this Attack Kounters or Punishes a Getup Roll BP
Lin Kuei Kick FK
Shin Shatter FK
Quick KickCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FK
Roundhouse BK
Chilled Sweep BK
Brutal KickTriggers if this Attack hits 2 times in a row or Breaks Armour BK
Swing KickCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked BK
Jumping Attacks
Heavy Fist FP
Straight Punch BP
Cold Boot FK / BK
Hop Attacks
Frigid Strike , FP / , BP
Cold Front , FK / , BK
Getup Attacks
Axe SwipeRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down BP
Chilled HeelRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down FK
Flawless Block Attacks
Axe SwipeRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block BP
Chilled HeelRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block FK
Toward Throw TH / FPFK
Back ThrowTriggers if opponent failed Throw Escape during the previous Throw TH / FPFK
Roll Escapes
Forward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Backward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Air Escape
BreakawayRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter BL
Kombo Attacks
Chinese Ninja Warrior FP, BP
Cold EncounterTriggers in a Kombo of 8 or more FP, BP, BK
Icy Grave FP, BK
Frozen Over FP, BK, FK
Frozen Tundra BP, FP
New Threat BP, FP, BP
Unchained BP, FP
Final DrawTriggers if this Kombo Attack is a Kounter or Punish BP, BK
Below Freezing FK, FK
Permafrost FK, BP
Frosty FK, BP, FP
Special Moves
Ice Ball , FP
AmplifyRequires Deep Freeze—Modifies Ice BallRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Ground IceRequires Ground Ice , FP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Frigid StormRequires Frigid Storm , BP
Death-Cicle BarrageRequires Death-Cicle Barrage , BP
(Air) Polar AxeRequires (Air) Polar Axe , BP
Slide , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers on the 3rd Amplified Slide to Hit IN
Cold ShoulderRequires Cold Shoulder—Replaces Slide , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if this Attack is a Kounter or Punish IN