Grandmaster Scorpion of the Shirai Ryu. Driven by rage, Hanzo Hasashi went through Hell and back to avenge his family and clan, never resting until he cut down their murderer, Quan Chi. Now he leads a reborn Shirai Ryu, avenging those who cannot avenge themselves.
Basic Attacks
Straight Punch FP
Gut Slice FP
Low JabCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FP
Specter Strike BP
Rising Cut BP
Rising SpearTriggers if this Attack Kounters or Punishes a High Attack BP
Hinge Kick FK
Flip Kick FK
Flick Kick FK
Side StrikeCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FK
Step Kick BK
Scorpion Sting BK
Shin Strike BK
Quick KickCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked BK
Jumping Attacks
Hell Hook FP
Straight Stab BP
(Air) Sin BladeRequires (Air) Sin Blade BP
Devil Kick FK / BK
Hop Attacks
Spear Stab , FP / , BP
Corkscrew Kick , FK / , BK
Getup Attacks
Rising BladeRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down BP
Spear SliceRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down FK
Flawless Block Attacks
Rising BladeRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block BP
Spear SliceRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block FK
Toward ThrowTriggers if opponent failed Throw Escape during the previous Throw TH / FPFK
Back ThrowTriggers if opponent failed Throw Escape during the previous Throw TH / FPFK
Roll Escapes
Forward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Backward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Air Escape
BreakawayRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter BL
Kombo Attacks
The Damned FP, FP
Torment FP, FP, BP
Eternal Vengeance FP, BK
Haunted FP, BK, FP
The Killing FP, BK, FK
Banished BP, FP
Dark SoulTriggers in a Kombo with 8 or more hits BP, FP, BP
WrathRequires Death Spear Kombo—Adds Kombo Attacks—Must also have Death Spin equipped BP, FP, BPBK
Hack And SlashRequires Death Spear Kombo—Adds Kombo Attacks—Must also have Death Spin equipped FK, BP
Falling AshesTriggers if this Kombo Attack is a Kounter or Punish FK, BK
Inner Demon BK, BP
Soulless BK, BP, FK
Special Moves
Spear , FP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if this move Hits at Maximum Range IN
Misery Blade , FP
CancelRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FP
Hate Strike BP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Tsuka Poke FK
Hamon Sweep BK
Low AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Hell FlameRequires Hell Flame , FP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Close Hell FlameRequires Hell Flame , FP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Far Hell FlameRequires Hell Flame , FP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Demon DashRequires Demon Dash , BP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Hell Port , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
CancelRequires Hell Port Cancel—Modifies Hell Port (Hold / )
Demon BreathRequires Demon Breath , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Death SpinRequires Death Spin , BK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Burning SpearRequires Burning Spear , BK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
(Air) Demon SlamRequires (Air) Demon SlamTriggers if this move Hits by itself TH
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if this move Hits by itself IN