John J. Rambo is a former United States Special Forces soldier deeply haunted by his time in Vietnam. He is rough, aggressive and is well known for entering exceptionally dangerous situations alone. Rambo has reactivated his ruthless fighting skills to infiltrate the MK universe.
Basic Attacks
Fists Of Glory FP
Basic Training FP
Bloody Knuckles FP
Gut PunchCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FP
Nose Buster BP
Knockout Punch BP
Rising KA-BARTriggers if this Attack Kounters or Punishes a High Attack BP
Boot Bash FK
Low Blow FK
Recon Kick FK
Steel ToeCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FK
Service Strike BK
Survival Sweep BK
Lieutenant DropTriggers if the move Hits the opponent Twice in a row or Breaks Armour BK
Double DownCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked BK
Jumping Attacks
Air Raid FP
Deep Cuts BP
Brutal Boots FK / BK
Hop Attacks
Bow Slam , FP / , BP
Drop Kick , FK / , BK
Getup Attacks
Swinging BowRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down BP
Quick DetonationRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down FK
Flawless Block Attacks
Swinging BowRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block BP
Quick DetonationRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block FK
Toward ThrowTriggers after not Jumping, being Knocked Down or becoming Airborne for 10 seconds TH / FPFK
Back Throw TH / FPFK
Roll Escapes
Forward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Backward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Nothing Is OverRequires Commando—Modifies Kombo Attacks FK, FPFK
Special Moves
M.R.E.Requires M.R.E.Triggers if Fatal Blow is on cooldown or if Rambo has thrown up , FP
FUBARRequires FUBAR , , FP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if opponent is Hit during a Getup Roll IN
Forward AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if opponent is Hit during a Getup Roll IN, (Hold )
Artillery StrikeRequires Artillery Strike , BP
Close Artillery StrikeRequires Artillery Strike , BP,
Far Artillery StrikeRequires Artillery Strike , BP,
Hunting Bow , BP
Cancel Hunting Bow Stance ,
Delay (Hold BP)
Shoot Arrow (Release BP)
Hidden M60Requires Hidden M60—Replaces Hunting Bow , BP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
ClaymoreRequires Claymore—Conflicts with Snare Trap , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Snare TrapRequires Snare Trap—Conflicts with Claymore , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Savage Slide , BK
Extend (Hold )
Roll Back (Hold )
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers on the Third Amplified Slide to Hit IN
Shoulder RollRequires Shoulder Roll—Replaces Savage Slide—Conflicts with Leopard KrawlTriggers if this Attack Kounters or Punishes an Attack , BK
CancelRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Close Shoulder RollRequires Shoulder Roll—Replaces Savage Slide—Conflicts with Leopard KrawlTriggers if this Attack Kounters or Punishes an Attack , BK,
CancelRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Far Shoulder RollRequires Shoulder Roll—Replaces Savage Slide—Conflicts with Leopard KrawlTriggers if this Attack Kounters or Punishes an Attack , BK,
CancelRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Leopard KrawlRequires Leopard Krawl—Replaces Savage Slide—Conflicts with Shoulder Roll , BK
Krawl Forward
Cancel Krawl BK
Quick Slash FP
Sneak AttackTriggers after crawling a far distance BP
Return To Krawl
ParryTriggers after crawling a far distance FK
Return To Krawl
Whip Trap , BK
Far Whip Trap , BK,
Mace TrapRequires Mace Trap—Replaces Whip Trap , BK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if the move Hits the opponent Three times in a row IN
Far Mace TrapRequires Mace Trap—Replaces Whip Trap , BK,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if the move Hits the opponent Three times in a row IN