Growing up an orphan, Rain joined Edenia’s army. His strategic genius earned him quick promotion, which he used to learn he was the bastard son of the god Argus, Edenia’s Protector. Armed with the knowledge that he’s a half god, Rain battles for his place in Edenia’s pantheon.
Basic Attacks
Straight Punch FP
Power Blast FP
Low ChopCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FP
Katar Stab BP
Heavy Slide BP
Spinning Blade BP
Rising SpikeTriggers if this Attack Kounters or Punishes a High Attack BP
Royal Heel FK
Edenian Step FK
Heavy Tide FK
UndertowCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FK
Shallow Break BK
Sweeping Prince BK
Low Tide BK
Tubular ToeCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked BK
Jumping Attacks
Edenian Strike FP
Katar Kutter BP
Downpour FK / BK
Hop Attacks
Katar Lunge , FP / , BP
Kickflip , FK / , BK
Getup Attacks
Katar SwipeRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down BP
Quick SplashRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down FK
Flawless Block Attacks
Katar SwipeRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block BP
Quick SplashRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block FK
Toward ThrowTriggers if opponent failed Throw Escape during the previous Throw TH / FPFK
Back ThrowTriggers if opponent failed Throw Escape during the previous Throw TH / FPFK
Roll Escapes
Forward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Backward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Air Escape
BreakawayRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter BL
Kombo Attacks
Thicker Than Water FP, FK
Let’s Get Krazy FP, FK, FK
Scandalous FP, FK, BK
What The HailCannot be used if Power Blast is Flawless Blocked FP, BK
Delay (Hold BK)
Soggy BottomsCannot be used if Power Blast is Flawless Blocked FP, BK, (Hold )
Deadly Tsunami BP, BK, BP
Insatiable Prince BP, BK, BP, FPFK
No Rain, No Gain BP, BK, BK
Rising Water BP, FP
Thieves In Edenian Temple BP, FP, BP
Rain Or Shine BP, BK
When Mortals KryTriggers if this Attack is a Kounter or Punish BP, FPFK
Prince Of Pain BP, FPFK, BK
Rain And Suffering FK, BK
Special Moves
RiptideRequires Riptide , FP
Geyser PalmRequires Geyser Palm , FP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Katar Toss , BP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Water BallRequires Water Ball—Replaces Katar Toss , BP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Amplify AwayRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter (Hold IN)
Amplify ForwardRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter (Hold IN)
Amplify DownRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter (Hold IN)
Amplify UpRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter (Hold IN)
Purple PainRequires Purple Pain , BP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Close Purple PainRequires Purple Pain , BP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Far Purple PainRequires Purple Pain , BP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Very Far Purple PainRequires Purple Pain , BP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Argus Plunge , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers after travelling a short distance before the Attack Connects or Breaks Armour IN
Amplify BehindRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers after travelling a short distance before the Attack Connects or Breaks Armour IN
(Air) Argus PlungeRequires Edenian Force—Modifies Special Moves , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers after travelling a short distance before the Attack Connects or Breaks Armour IN
Amplify BehindRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers after travelling a short distance before the Attack Connects or Breaks Armour IN
Quantum SliceRequires Quantum Slice—Replaces Argus Plunge , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers after absorbing 2 Projectiles with Quantum Rift IN
(Air) Quantum SliceRequires Edenian Force—Modifies Special Moves—Must also have Quantum Slice equipped , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers after absorbing 2 Projectiles with Quantum Rift IN
Second AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
(Air) Driving Quantum SliceRequires Edenian Force—Modifies Special Moves—Must also have Quantum Slice equipped , FK,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers after absorbing 2 Projectiles with Quantum Rift IN
Tidal WaveRequires Tidal Wave—Conflicts with Hydroplane , FK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
HydroplaneRequires Hydroplane—Conflicts with Tidal WaveTriggers after being delayed for a short time , FK
Delay (Hold FK)
CancelRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter ,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers after being delayed for a short time IN
Geyser Kick , BK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Hydro BoostRequires Hydro Boost—Replaces Geyser Kick , BK