Elder Goddess of Virtue, Guardian of Life. When Shinnok threatened to conquer the Elder Gods, Cetrion cast him into the Netherrealm. Her blessings answer the prayers of warriors battling against darkness. But at times, the heroic virtues she upholds are at odds with her quest for universal balance.
Basic Attacks
Heavens Wind FP
Tendril Slap FP
Low WindCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FP
Quick Combustion BP
Turning Wave BP
Rising God PalmTriggers if this Attack Kounters or Punishes a High Attack BP
Vapor Push FK
Energy Swipe FK
Krystal KickCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked FK
Krushing Heel BK
Rising Volcano BK
Krystal HeelCannot be cancelled into Special Moves if Flawless Blocked BK
Jumping Attacks
Quick Gust FP
Burning Palm BP
Balance Spin FK / BK
Hop Attacks
Boulder Slam , FP / , BP
Heel Spike , FK / , BK
Getup Attacks
Geo StrikeRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down BP
World EnderRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after being Knocked Down FK
Flawless Block Attacks
Geo StrikeRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block BP
World EnderRequires 1 bar of both Defensive and Offensive MeterCan only be performed after connecting a Flawless Block FK
Toward ThrowTriggers if opponent is inside Circle Of Life, Hallowing Winds, Ring Of Fire or Vaport Halo TH / FPFK
Back Throw TH / FPFK
Roll Escapes
Forward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Backward Getup RollRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter FS
Air Escape
BreakawayRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter BL
Kombo Attacks
Violent Gust FP, FP
Wind Storm FP, FP, BP
Imminent Eruption FP, FP, BK
Natures Wrath FP, FK
Seismic Energy FP, FK, BP
Blaze BP, FP
Fire-Nado BP, FP, BP
Fire And BrimstoneTriggers if this Kombo Attack is a Kounter or Punish BP, FP, FK
Natural Ending BP, FK
Unlimited Potential BP, FK, BK
Lifecycle FK, BP
Special Moves
Natural Barrier , FP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if a Projectile was destroyed while summoning the wall IN
Far Natural Barrier , FP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive MeterTriggers if a Projectile was destroyed while summoning the wall IN
Shattering BoulderRequires Shattering Boulder—Replaces Natural BarrierTriggers if this move Hits at Maximum Range , FP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Close Shattering BoulderRequires Shattering Boulder—Replaces Natural BarrierTriggers if this move Hits at Maximum Range , FP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Far Shattering BoulderRequires Shattering Boulder—Replaces Natural BarrierTriggers if this move Hits at Maximum Range , FP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Hell’s Wrath , FP
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Close Hell’s Wrath , FP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Far Hell’s Wrath , FP,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Boulder BashTriggers if Projectile Hits by itself , BP
CancelRequires Delay Boulder Bash—Modifies Boulder Bash and Bouncing Boulder
BashRequires Delay Boulder Bash—Modifies Boulder Bash and Bouncing Boulder
EarthquakeRequires Earthquake , FK
CancelRequires 1 bar of Defensive MeterCan only be performed after the First Hit
GeyserRequires Geyser—Conflicts with Deadly WindsTriggers if move misses 3 times in a row before Hitting , BK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Close GeyserRequires Geyser—Conflicts with Deadly WindsTriggers if move misses 3 times in a row before Hitting , BK,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Far GeyserRequires Geyser—Conflicts with Deadly WindsTriggers if move misses 3 times in a row before Hitting , BK,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Very Far GeyserRequires Geyser—Conflicts with Deadly WindsTriggers if move misses 3 times in a row before Hitting , BK,
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Deadly WindsRequires Deadly Winds—Conflicts with Geyser , BK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
Tendril PullTriggers if opponent Blocks Late , BK
AmplifyRequires 1 bar of Offensive Meter IN
H2 P0rtRequires H2 P0rt ,
In Front H2 P0rtRequires H2 P0rtRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter , ,
In Place H2 P0rtRequires H2 P0rtRequires 1 bar of Defensive Meter , ,
Far H2 P0rtRequires H2 P0rtRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter , ,
Circle Of LifeRequires Circle Of Life—Conflicts with Hallowing Winds, Ring Of Fire, Conflux Of Elements and Vapor HaloRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter , ,
Ring Of FireRequires Ring Of Fire—Conflicts with Hallowing Winds, Circle Of Life, Conflux Of Elements and Vapor HaloRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter , ,
Hollowing WindsRequires Hollowing Winds—Conflicts with Circle Of Life, Ring Of Fire, Conflux Of Elements and Vapor HaloRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter , ,
Vapor HaloRequires Vapor Halo—Conflicts with Hallowing Winds, Ring Of Fire, Conflux Of Elements and Circle Of LifeRequires 2 bars of Defensive Meter , ,
Fatal Blow
Weeping WillowMust be at 30% health or less FSBL
Serenity , , , , FP
Maintaining Balance , , , , BK
Good And Evil , , , FK
Stage Fatality (Hold BL) , , , BK
Though I first denied their truth, eventually I realized the wisdom of Liu Kang’s words. There is virtue greater than my mother’s desired balance. Good must be allowed to flourish.
But no matter how I reshaped time, rooting out evil proved impossible. Though freed from want, mortals still killed each other. Divided by realm and race, they easily justified their hate. Hubris, greed, envy. To appreciate my gifts, mortals sins must be cleansed.
Which is why I baptize the realms with fire. For eons mortals will battle evil, eventually achieving victory. And when they emerge from the darkness, they will be humbled…eager to embrace the light.