Mortal Kombat was released amid controversy in 1992, becoming a direct competitor to the smash-hit Japanese title Street Fighter II.
Originally intended to feature heavyweight Jean-Claude Van Damme as its main protagonist, the game quickly became known as Dragon Attack when talks fell apart. Its name was later changed to Mortal Kombat by co-creators Ed Boon and John Tobias, and the rest is history.
With its alluring graphics made up of digitised actors and gruesome finishing moves, Mortal Kombat and its iconic dragon logo became an instant hit with players around the globe.
- Publisher: Midway
- Developer: Midway
- Designers: Ed Boon, John Tobias
- Artists: John Tobias, John Vogel
- Composer: Dan Forden
- Release date: 8 October 1992
HP High PunchLP Low PunchHK High KickLK Low KickBL Block
Hover over/tap to display notesGENERAL TIPS
A Stage Fatality can be performed in The Pit arena by uppercutting your opponent.It is recommended with some Finishing Moves that you hold to stop your kombatant from jumping. Where listed, it must be released before tapping the final input, or alternatively after the final command.FINISHING MOVE DISTANCES
Close Right next to opponent.Sweep Distance A couple of steps away from opponent; within sweeping kick range.Anywhere Distance from opponent is irrelevant.
Goro lives…
A 2,000 year old half human dragon Goro remains undefeated for the past 500 years. He won the title of Grand Champion by defeating Kung Lao, a Shaolin fighting monk.
It was during this time period where the tournament fell into Shang Tsung’s hands. Now you have been chosen to represent Earthrealm in an ancient tournament called Mortal Kombat.
All platforms
- Reptile’s Hints
Added in Version 3.0, Reptile is a hidden kombatant that can be fought if certain conditions are met. In Version 4.0 Reptile will sometimes jump down before a match starts and give you clues on how to find him. These clues are as follows:- I Am Reptile, Find Me!
- You Must Find Me To Beat Me
- Alone is How To Find Me
- Look To La Luna
- 10,000,000 If You Destroy Me
- Tip Eht Fo Mottob
- Perfection Is The Key
- Fatality Is The Key
- You Cannot Match My Speed
- Fight Reptile
Whilst on The Pit stage, keep a lookout for shadows that may fly across the moon. Should they appear, defeat your opponent with a Double Flawless and perform your character’s specific Fatality to fight Reptile, making sure not to use BL for the entire match.
In Version 3.0 it is impossible to fight Reptile with Sonya or Scorpion because BL is required in their Fatalities. In Version 4.0 it’s okay to use BL, but only for the Fatality.
Super NES
- Chrome Goro Glitch
Perform Raiden’s Fatality after winning the third endurance match. When Goro appears he will be strange colours for the first round and the background will remain darkened.
Mega Drive/Genesis
- Blood Code
Press A, B, A, C, A, B, B at the Code of Honor screen to enable blood.
- Cheat Mode
Press , , , , A, , at the main title screen to enable the Cheat menu.
- Flags
After inputting the Cheat Mode code, access the Cheat menu to find a number of flags that can be turned on or off. These flags have different effects on the game, and are as follows:- Flag 0: One hit kills against the CPU
- Flag 1: One hit kills against you
- Flag 2: Objects fly across the moon on The Pit
- Flag 3: A head flies across the moon on The Pit
- Flag 4: Reptile appears between each fight to give you a clue
- Flag 5: Infinite credits
- Flag 6: In Arcade mode the CPU will complete their victory over you with a Fatality
- Flag 7: The arena will not change during Arcade mode
- Secret Sonya
After inputting the Cheat Mode code, access the Cheat menu and enable Flags 2 and 3. Set the Plan Base for three and the first map to The Pit. Make your way to the second endurance match. If you aren’t on The Pit, continue to lose until you are. Defeat your opponent with a Double Flawless victory and perform your character’s specific Fatality to fight Reptile.