
Still the immortal champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang finds himself venturing into the realm of Edenia to rescue the princess Kitana from the vile clutches of Quan Chi. Unsuccessful in his mission, Liu returns to Earth and mounts an effort to bring together Earth’s greatest warriors. He does it this time not only to free Kitana’s home world but also to assist his mentor and Earth’s protector — Raiden.
Special Moves
High Fireball
, HP
Low Fireball
, LP
Flying Kick
, HK
Bicycle Kick
(Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release)
Dragon Sword
, LK
Dragon Bite
, , , HK LK
Skeet Shooting
, , , HP
The Prison Stage Fatality
, , LP
Goro’s Lair Stage Fatality
, , HK