Brazilian gaming retailer Cadê Meu Jogo has leaked what is believed to be the final box art for Mortal Kombat 1 ahead of its release next month.
While the artwork has since been removed from all product listings, it is plastered all over social media and reveals a yet-to-be-announced single player mode called “Invasions” (if Google Translate is to be believed).
Those looking for a separate single-player experience will no doubt be among the first to delve into the new mode, which seemingly allows players to traverse multiple realms and face off against seasonal threats. A single screenshot accompanies the brief subtitle which features a kombatant standing amongst a lush forest environment surrounded by layered rocks.

It’s a huge win for fans of Konquest, a mode first introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance as a way of training. Mortal Kombat: Deception saw this concept expand through the introduction of a brand new protagonist in Shujinko and hours of content spread across multiple realms. Konquest once again evolved with the release of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, with expanded mechanics and a riveting story-driven adventure that followed a more linear path.
What are your thoughts on this new “Invasions” mode? Be sure to join our incredible kommunity by joining our Discord server (partnered with the Netherkast) and following us on our social media accounts, which include Twitter, Instagram, Threads and YouTube.