Kerri Hoskins Reavis is a former glamour model and video game actress. She is best known for her portrayal of Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat 3, and more recently her incredible abstract and contemporary art using liquid metals.
5 July 2014
Kamidogu: Tell us a bit about yourself: who is Kerri Hoskins?
Kerri Hoskins: Just your average mom of four, married and living in the suburbs of Chicago.
Kamidogu: Mortal Kombat was one of the biggest blockbusters to come out of the 90s. How did you first get involved?
KH: My first gig with Midway was NBA Jam. I was recommended for MK after working with the guys on NBA Jam.
Kamidogu: Do you still keep up to date with the Mortal Kombat franchise?
KH: Somewhat. Many who are still involved including designers and fans are friends of mine on the social networks. It’s hard not to keep up to date!
Kamidogu: How did it feel the very first time you saw yourself digitised in a video game? What other titles have you starred in?
KH: I thought it was pretty cool. Being one of 8 kids in our family and the only one who was NOT a gamer, I got a little satisfaction out of telling my sibs I was actually IN the games. Other titles? Oh gosh…I need to wiki myself…

Kamidogu: If you never came across Midway in your career, which other company would you have most liked to worked for?
KH: I am not sure. Great question. Playboy lead to Midway and Midway pulled me away from Playboy…so who knows where I would’ve ended up!
Kamidogu: What was your very first job?
KH: The day I turned 16, I got a job at a go-kart place. Started out as a snack-counter girl and quickly moved to assistant manager and loved to man the go-karts when they needed me. Our favorite times were when we had to shut down because of rain. All of us employees would then run out to the go-karts and race them around the tracks with our arms behind us on the governors wide open.
Kamidogu: What does a typical week entail for you?
KH: My life certainly hasn’t slowed down. I shut down my training business recently to pursue a hidden talent I had in painting. I paint full time now and can’t even tell you all how much I love it. I found my calling.

Kamidogu: How did you get into this particular field of work? Was it something you’ve always wanted to do, or did it just come to you?
KH: I just started painting one day out of the blue. I did a little in high school but hadn’t picked up a brush in over 20 years. My husband really started questioning who the heck I was. He was very surprised and now supports me 100%.
Kamidogu: From where do you draw your inspiration?
KH: Inspiration comes from my spirituality, my family and a lot of pain.
Kamidogu: What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?
KH: I would have to say being a tom-boy, non-frilly, no pink and no shopping type of woman. The funniest thing that has happened to me is bearing a little lady totally opposite of me. I have been forced into an unknown realm of sparkly stuff, fashion and cheerleading routines. My mother laughs at me all the time. I think she enjoys it, especially after that one time when she brought me to buy a prom dress. She was looking at Cinderella pink lace dresses, but we walked out with a straight black satin dress.
Kamidogu: What are some hobbies you enjoy outside of work?
KH: My hobbies are my work! Life is too short to do something you hate. But, if I have to say…I also have a saltwater hobby. Keeping wild animals in a 155 gallon tank is a challenge, but I love it. It’s my ongoing chemistry project.
Kamidogu: What are some of your favourite TV shows and movies?
KH: Man, I hate this question. I’m too psychotropic to keep a favorite. A couple movies I can watch over and over are Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. I still watch Grey’s Anatomy and Mad Men.

Kamidogu: What is your favourite food?
KH: Fermented grapes.
Kamidogu: What is your favourite colour?
KH: The same color on a mood ring.
Kamidogu: What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
KH: This would be a great question for my husband. I don’t think I do anything crazy but this one time I tried to go into a major business venture with friends as partners. THAT was crazy. All the other stuff pales in comparison…skydiving, bungee jumping, nude beaches and bars, shooting tommy guns, AKs and M16s, having 4 kids, marathons, bar room brawls, Porsche racing and trying to out-drink Toby Keith. I’ve probably got more, but I’ve blocked them out of my head.
Kamidogu: What is something most people don’t know about you?
KH: That I have a very close relationship with the Lord. He’s gotten me through quite a bit in my life, and continues to bless me and surprise the heck out of me.
Kamidogu: Do you have any famous last words?
KH: Life is a treat, and I can eat as much as I want.